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Castle Park

boon racoon

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You probably don't know this but the massive park (Castle Park) in Bristol where EVERYONE always rides is planned to be developed. There's a big campaign to stop this because in summer it's flooded with people on their lunch sitting around, hanging out etc. It's a real nice area to have in the city centre and SHOULDN'T be developed!

Obviously if it does get developed then the walls and riding spots we all know and love will be gone.

So take the time to fill in this petition and help yourselves out as riders, and Bristol locals like myself from having their green spaces taken away.


petition link :


Cheers guys :)

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Would royally suck if they went and built over Castle Park, for both riding and chillout purposes for us and everybody else.

As a relatively new guy to Bristol, it seems like the place must get busy with people through the summer, so why destroy that?

Castle Park was the first place I randomly found when I came here really, and it would be such a shame to see it taken away

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Also being a local to Bristol, would be shame to see it knocked down and redeveloped... However, two factors come into play..

A - The extra business it will generate for all the shops in town.. (not that i really care though!)

B - This is a little more important, castle park is not really any longer a 'friendly' place to ride and chill, to many smack heads hanging around waiting to pounce on whoever is chilling/riding around there.

Well thats that summed up.. I say keep castle park.. knock down the smack heads intead :P

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ahhh well yes ... that ll be why the locals tried to get a huge skate park built on it instead .... basically trying to get anything else there .......

I dont think we would lose most of the stuff there although i didnt read any of that balls on the site ...

anyway - developing is all a load of toss so i sign ....

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over my deal ballsack there gonna knock that place down, ive travelled for over 4 hours to ride there many a time paying 30 quid a pop for the privilage (payed an extra 50 once when i got busted with a kids ticket). im def gonna sign it, so when i get riding again i can ride there again


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Done and done...

Have never been to Bristol, however, i do intend to ride there in the future. But even if i didn't i would still have signed the petition. Due to the basic fact that, as someone said above, cities need green places.

So, everyone else reading this topic and wondering whether they should sign the petition, get in done (Y) !



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