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Proto Chain Tensioner...


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carbon was too flexy so i made it from fibre glass, its a weird colour because i marked the fibre glass out with a red pen and a black pen, once again this was only to see how strong the material would be and to make sure the size etc is right


Edited by aim@me
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these are made for me, so i just wanted something that i could make fast easy and i new that worked, and all tensioners are pretty much the same because theres not many ways you can can make a bar that holds a sprocket or jockey wheel.. i mean what else could i have done?? drilled it? made stupid bits that stick out everywhere? what would be the point? i only want a piece of material that the bolts fit onto correctly, holds a jockey wheel of some sort and attatches to the frame

Edited by aim@me
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may i ask as to why you copied the exact same shape as all the other tensioners similar to that?

you could have had any design you wanted. but you chose to copy anothers work?

Err, you not think theres a reason why theyre all that shape? Becasue it works well...

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Err, you not think theres a reason why theyre all that shape? Becasue it works well...

errrr....you not realise that the tensioner design doesnt work so well because of the shape of the aluminum :huh:

its just a roller attached to a peice of aluminium ( or fibre glass in this case) which attaches to a hanger.

the aluminium could be almost any shape you want it to be. i just merely stated that he could have chosen a different shape.


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errrr....you not realise that the tensioner design doesnt work so well because of the shape of the aluminum :huh:

its just a roller attached to a peice of aluminium ( or fibre glass in this case) which attaches to a hanger.

the aluminium could be almost any shape you want it to be. i just merely stated that he could have chosen a different shape.


I think it's how you stated it that got to people?

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well what other shape could i have made it??!! the only way that i could change it is to remove more material (adding material would be stupid, cus its un neaded), but ive already taken as much off as i can without making it weak...

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It's always good for a first attempt to be a slight iteration on an existing design. You get to see where improvements can be made then without as much development time being needed to get an initial shape.

I'd like to see some completely radical designs for a tensioner at some point, but to get it out of the way at all would need for it to be based on top of the chain, which isn't possible due to the tension caused when you pedal.

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well what other shape could i have made it??!! the only way that i could change it is to remove more material (adding material would be stupid, cus its un neaded), but ive already taken as much off as i can without making it weak...

its a tensioner made of fibre glass. how little weight does it need to be? jesus. its just a small component, why worry too much about weight.

radical designs are the way forward.


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ha, i see your point, the reason i made it out of fibre glass is so because i have easy acces to it and once iv made the mould it only takes 5-10 mins to make (depends on how much catalyst i use), and if you add up all the wieght iv saved by making things like boosters, tensioners, spacers, brake mounts and so on it does all add up, and if i break one of those items i can make a new one in 10 mins for free... yipee and no ive compacted the tensioner so that that its realy tough, sniff and it shouldnt crack under an impact either, ive been useing it for 3 days and still no damage... itll do... lol

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It's always good for a first attempt to be a slight iteration on an existing design. You get to see where improvements can be made then without as much development time being needed to get an initial shape.

I'd like to see some completely radical designs for a tensioner at some point, but to get it out of the way at all would need for it to be based on top of the chain, which isn't possible due to the tension caused when you pedal.

Nowadays clever people improve on designs already on the market.

Dumb people try and re-invent the wheel, spend their whole life developing something, then end up in the dragons den being told that selling cardboard picnic furniture wont work if it rains.

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