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Old Fart!


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yesterday i came a cropper! ended up cracking my nuts on the stem and going over the bars!! >_<(N) ouch!! well i limped to the nearest thing i could rest on which hapend to be lamp post, plonked my bike against a wall and crouched over seing iff my two meat and vege were still in tact :( (thank god they were). Then an old guy walked up to me (must of been 70 well dressed.) and i obviously thought he was going to ask if i was alrite as he must of seen me fall off, but to my upmost estonishment he slaped me :( !!! wasnt a very hard slap but, you know!! course i couldnt do nothing as the old geaser looked like he was going to keel over any way. he then started to shout (drumble) things such as get off the pavement (which i wasnt) and silly ass! so i decided to pick my self up and my bike and walk off in pain! but he took my collar and started to snowl at me :lol: i just laughed and walked off. couple of passes down the road random people came and asked if i was ok and said they would be a whitness :huh::blink:

thanks for reading my random event, well.... harrasment haha only joking..

p.s to finish the day off i found i five pound note pretty muchwere i fell off!! thats karma for you! if i had been rude to the ol fart i wouldnt have found the 5er!!

p.p.s im not the best speller in the world and im not sure were to find the spell checker, so sorry in advance for spelling mistakes

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Slapped you?! that is actually ridiculous! You should not have to take that from a random old guy he had no right but I think you handled it well.

I find there are 2 types of old people when im riding. The ones who smile at you and say how impressive what your doing is and the ones who frown at you and possibly complain about what your riding on.


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not all old people are grumpy f*cks (most of them are). i was pedal hoping this 3 stair on my mate's t-pro when his crappy back break slipped and i slammed on the step, anyway this old woman came and offered help. (Y)

Edited by T-OM
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I'm confused, did he slap you for riding on stuff or for looking at your balls in public?

I bent a metal handrail once, walking along it then my legs went either side.

My god it was painful, and the bend is still there this day...

i think he slapped me because he thought i was on a pavement!! strange old guy!!

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Old people are so unpredictable. some will be impressed by my riding and compliment me, whereas others seem to think i have no right to be enjoying myself.

I think its best just to apologize and stay out of their way, if they think that they've won then maybe they won't harass the next biker they see as much. :(

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Was he by any chance recording it with a camera phone if so, YOU GOT HAPPY SLAPPED :lol:

I've been shouted at, by old people for riding my MTB on the pavement down the high street, annoying because its rather dangerous on roads, especially living in Penge with druggies and stuff driving about.

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Lol, i think that old people are part of what make trials fun, tryin to make you move on from the spot that your riding on, i mean all you can do is laugh because what can they do, and like it said in one of the MBUK issues, were the only people giving them excercise, with them trying to chase us and give us lectures and in some cases slaping you, basically were are the only people keepin old people fit ish, lol.

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how the f**k does that work? :blink:

they dont pop out that old you know

lol :-

yesterday i had sum old git come up to me and say 'do u have to do that there' when i was pedal kicking over a flowerbed and i replyed with 'yes actualy i do'

shut him right up lol :D

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i rode past an old bloke once and he turned around and hit me with his walking stick lol, they really suck and never stop complaining. ive also had a few old people trying to pull me off benches and walls, treatening to call the police for riding my bike and utter crap like that.

Edited by I-LUV-TRIALS
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Cheeky old b*****d, I can't believe that! Although I did see some old guy take a comedy kick/swing at some kids riding on the pavement, missing them and putting his fist in the air in a "you pesky kids" type way. Arseholes, I don't care if the law says "ride on the road", as if were gonna risk are lives with women drivers out there checking their makeup! :P

Anyway, that's not the point I guess! haha

Glad you found the fiver, you deserve it mate. I kinda believe in kama and all that shit... pity I got worse karma than that Earl Hickey bloke! :P

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Should have shouted really loud that he's a filthy peado and that you don't want his cock in your face, he'd not do it again then. Maybe follow him for a little while growling and barking at him and making weird noises, run around him like a chicken?

I guarantee it would stop him hitting you/somebody else again, its worked twice for me now, saves any violence and their too embarassed to keep having a go so they leave.

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