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Making Money

Saracen Kid

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  t-pro kid said:

no hes not (no presents for you this christmas he said that>>> :santa:) any way i need a new mobile

I can't believe no one else has said this


'dude, what the hell' :huh:

Like some other guy said buy of ebay and sell. Computer games are easy money. Good ebay finds sell well at car boots or games shops. Even if it's only a quid a shot then you are still making something. (thats more than you said your xc bike is worth)

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  ted said:

I found that its best not to charge a set amount, but to do the job and let them pay you an amount they think is appropriate. This may sound strange but its because potential customers will be put off by high prices. If you do a good job then they will pay you more than normal anyway and chances are, you'll be invited back more often.

Offering to walk dogs of the elderly is also a nice little earner :D

If you do that you get some people that will give you £5 a car then some that will give you 20p.

Any way halloween is coming up go round town with a mask on and u mite make £10 and bout 100 lollies.

Matt Rushton

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Grape farm, lol. Frigging slave trade! Reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite where he works on the chicken farm. '6 dollars....its like a dollar an hour!' :)


Rig up a charity event...need I say more...

Edited by anzo
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  darrenhopper said:


Watch gangster movies 'till you've a warped sense of morality & exploit hard-working members of the society :D

easier than it sounds if you've got the correct mindset (think of it as constructive bullying) - although at 13 you're going to need to know a lot of rich 12 year olds before it makes you any money.

Your best bet is really gardening. I quite like mowing grass but after a full day at work I've never got the energy to do it and I definitely don't want to waste my saturday morning so I'd happily pay some little monkey (sorry :P) to do it for me. The bad news is that grass doesn't grow much over winter so you're not going to see many customers till springtime.

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Sell drugs? Steal car stereo's and sell them cheap on a market stall? On a serious note,you could try doing odd chores around the house for a bit of money or try and get a saturday job.

zoo baby!

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  poopipe said:

I quite like mowing grass

The smell of cut grass is orgasmic. Especially with an ice cold beer.

But I'll be the one to say it and put a downer on it all...


You're 13, you can get away with anything. Go out and harrass pensions, invent nicknames for freaks walking around your town centre on a regular basis, stop up for as long as you can with mates, nick a bit of your mum/dads booze and get wankered.

Lol, is it me or are kids bloody boring these days? Seems us 80's kids were the last generation to have fun :P

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Hey i see you have put the paper round thing in your topic well i have a morning paprer round its alright i suppose i get £10 a week for delivering 14 papers all on one street and their near enough next door to each other plus if you have a permanent round through christmas youll start getting christmas tips off some people. On one of me old rounds i use to do, i delivered at these posh houses and i near enough got £5 off each house and at the end of the counting of my tips i had about £50 so that was good.

Cheers Andy

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  Andrew Quibell said:

Hey i see you have put the paper round thing in your topic well i have a morning paprer round its alright i suppose i get £10 a week for delivering 14 papers all on one street and their near enough next door to each other plus if you have a permanent round through christmas youll start getting christmas tips off some people. On one of me old rounds i use to do, i delivered at these posh houses and i near enough got £5 off each house and at the end of the counting of my tips i had about £50 so that was good.

Cheers Andy

That is guaranteed as well. I remmeber getting 30 quid on a Sunday, it was sweet. If you ask any paper boy they will tell you x-mass tips are always there.

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  Andrew Quibell said:

Hey i see you have put the paper round thing in your topic well i have a morning paprer round its alright i suppose i get £10 a week for delivering 14 papers all on one street and their near enough next door to each other plus if you have a permanent round through christmas youll start getting christmas tips off some people. On one of me old rounds i use to do, i delivered at these posh houses and i near enough got £5 off each house and at the end of the counting of my tips i had about £50 so that was good.

Cheers Andy

Yeah and send christmas cards out and you will make alot more, just don't fall out with your customers.

did it and almost got run over.

Matt Rushton

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heres my idea's callum,

1. start making and selling pies on motorway (them truckers just love to eat pie :P )

2. go around beating up chavs and steal their 'blingage.' they tend to have alot on most of time lol

3. ask parents to get you it for xmas. thats what im going to do to get my czar frame.

sam (Y)

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  Joe Sweeney said:

do little jobs around the house like cleaning the car,hovering and moeing the grass while you are job hunting or what ever

Wish i could hover AND get paid for it.

But washing cars seems to be the best idea for a young lil lad, dress up in some nice looking clothes so you look like a nice, well mannered young man just looking for a few quid on the side.


Get paid to wank! i don't know what the age limit is (it's probably 18) but its worth a try! :lol: but being 13 and all... :ermm:

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your all wrong!

the best way to make money is to rip the public off by putting a trials show on in the town centre.

or play the recorder like them homeless people do and they are actualy loaded.

i saw one guy in the subway lieing there with his collie smelling like an old person with a blanket on the floor and then the next day i saw him in a d+g shirt and rockports :S

wtf...thats quick money for you. he was smoking benson&trees as well which i believe are like £3 a peace.

if that doesn't work then you could try

  • doing chores for old people (they allways over pay you for what you do)
  • selling unwanted stuff on e bay
  • steeling + selling lol
  • buying a scratch card thing
  • playing on fruit machines/gamblers
  • going around pubs / clubs after parties and looking for money (just say you have lost your watch or something so you dont look like a weirdo. (my mate found £15 in his pub one night after a party)
  • getting a loan off your parents
  • change your '2p collection' at the post office (if you have one) i did this and got £25 from it once but that was with 5s and 10s too
  • male prostitution possibly?
  • buying stuff off e bay and selling it to your mates at a higher price.never goes down well but meh.
Edit: sorry , benson and hedges not trees :-


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