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How Many Back Hops Can You Do?


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30 backhops isnt really that good i think, depends on how long you've been riding

most people can do as many backhops as they want, it doesn't take alot of power and balance so you could keep going till your legs cant take it anymore, which takes a long while i think..

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30 backhops isnt really that good i think, depends on how long you've been riding

most people can do as many backhops as they want, it doesn't take alot of power and balance so you could keep going till your legs cant take it anymore, which takes a long while i think..

3 million init

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Basically if you got the hang of it you should be able to go up to any ammount depending on how much your legs start to burn.

What I find difficult is front hops...anyone got any advice?

(admittedly I havent practised them enough)


as many as i can do before my arms ache to much to keep it up lol

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record front hops, 43, thats was such a lucky go, ive never even gotten nea that since

backhops/kickhops, just whatever

the real challenge lies in how long you can just sit on the back wheel with no hops, now that is just pure balance

yea 43 front hops for me too, got in a campsite in wales at around 11:30 pm 2 1/2 years ago! wowzahs

trying to beat your backhop record is a really good way to learn and get better and a really good thing to d in your driveway for half an hour before supper. :)

nowadays I get bored and tired after ten ...

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record front hops, 43, thats was such a lucky go, ive never even gotten nea that since

backhops/kickhops, just whatever

the real challenge lies in how long you can just sit on the back wheel with no hops, now that is just pure balance

:( im no good on my back wheel, i can only balance for about 6 seconds, any tips for how i should position my body?

EDIT: Please dont just give me a link to trashzen, as it doesnt have a topic on balancing on the back wheel!

Edited by Grizzly
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the point of backhops is not doing hundreds. the only thing backhops do is get you set up for your move.

backhopping becomes something called muscle memory (if i remember rightly) i can backhop till the cows come home but it wont do me any good . at most now i do four or five backhops then i'm off into my move its all just balance everyone will get it in time

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