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I Just Ripped My Finger Nail Off...

Egg Fried Rice

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this happen about 30 minutes ago

i was spinning my wheel and my front disc pads we're rubbing so i turned the bike upside down and checked it...

spun the wheel and put my finger near the caliper and my finger got caught and ripped my nail off.

OUCH..my finger nail is hanging off my finger and nearly fainted.

yes i know im an idiot, i shouldnt of done it, call me what u like i dont care...

pictures coming soon when i have enough balls to look at my finger again.



Edited by J-KAY
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yeah, my little bro has a front freewheel and he was holding a cloth around the chain while spinning the wheel. as the chain moved around onto the freewheel his finger went with it and got caught between the freewheel and chain. it was pretty bad

slightly different to your story but along the same lines.

Edited by Super Death Monkey
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JK, superglue, it was originaly used in the vietnam war to glue peopls body parts back on (just the skin), not sure if the superglue you have is safe to do so, but it's called cynoacrylate(sp), and that was pretty stupid of you, you half wit!


ha ha, i dont want to superglue it

my mum said that the nail is probably dead and will grow another..

my finger is wrapped up but the nail is still hanging on, i dont want to look at it or touch it.... :sick:


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come on i dare you, be a man about it, and take some pictures :P

I've trapped my finger in my freewheel once when i was moving my bike, but i just yanked it out before it went too far.

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i now have a picture of it when it was finally treated when it was done

i couldnt get any pictures of it when it was hanging off and bleeding becuase i felt :sick:

the procedure i went through at the hospital:

and x-ray :blink: nothing broken

then i had 2 needles injected into my finger to make it numb, that hurt sooo much

she then push my nail back in place, the nail is dead but they said they should use the nail as a "shield" to stop an infection and will fall off when the new one starts growing. this bit was too much for me to watch so i looked away

then she got a paperclip and a lighter :blink:

she heated it up and stabbed holes into my nail and finger to let the blood pressure out, i pooed myself and my finger started to get the feeling back...

but its all good now, bit of pain but she gave me a pack of strong painkillers so its all coool

heres a pic of it when it was done, 2 holes in the nail OUCH

the nail looks like its stable there but it could actually drop off

IPB Image

all bandaged up now


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Nice :sick:

A good reason not to cock aounrd near rotors, it's all to easy to do that kinda stuff, I've certainly had a few close calls.

Edit: one of my friends did a similar thing skating but it wasn't hanging off and they did the same paperclip and lighter thing.

Edited by Dont you Just Hate it When...
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