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Trials Maniac

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Heya, im getting a new bike for christmas so i want to get some new kit to.. :)


What sort of gloves are good for trialing? I dont really use gloves for trialing( (N) ), i have some rajis for dirt jumping...are these any good? :-

Raji Gloves 661 :mellow:


Ok, i have a dirt jumping helmet but i want to get a proper trialing one.. :-

What sort do you rekon i should get? :S

This any good?;

Giro Xen

Thanks B)^_^


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Gloves and helmets are a totally personal thing and have to feel right on your head. Dirt jump helmets are used by trials riders aswell because some people prefer the appearance and feel of them on their head. There is no really trialsing helmet as such but alot of people use crosscountry helmets like giro e2's,xzens and havoc's is totally up to you what you like the look of and feel of and how much you want to spend.Have a look around different sites and see what you like.

Hope that helped



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  tomtrials said:

Gloves and helmets are a totally personal thing and have to feel right on your head. Dirt jump helmets are used by trials riders aswell because some people prefer the appearance and feel of them on their head. There is no really trialsing helmet as such but alot of people use crosscountry helmets like giro e2's,xzens and havoc's is totally up to you what you like the look of and feel of and how much you want to spend.Have a look around different sites and see what you like.

Hope that helped



Yes it did help alot, Thanks mate :lol:

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The Giro Xen is the best helmet (Y) But the Giro Havoc and the Enichal (or something) are also very good.

For the gloves you got someone called Mechalix Classic (dont know if you got them in England, but contact me if you are interrested in some). They are nice and thin. Good for trials. I dont use gloves, but those are really good. There are some very good reviews also. Best gloves ever.

And you got the XC Thing gloves. Also pretty good ones.

Hope this helps you.

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I used to have 661 gloves but i hated them, after a few months the stitching started to come out on the fingers, and holes were starting to appear. I'm now using fox racing gloves and had them for about 2 months and they are still in very good condition , my mate has some too and he has had his for 2 years and they are still in good use.

I just use a bmx helmet, bell or something. I think they provide much more safety to your head then the giro ones.



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  chris121 said:

I just use a bmx helmet, bell or something. I think they provide much more safety to your head then the giro ones.



But the giros are lighter, more comfortable, more vents and fits your head better. And they protects the head also :P

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I prefer a good old pair of marigolds cos then I can come straight in and do the washing up (Y) (Y)

I use a cheap as chips met helmet as long as it protects your head its all good im thinking of getting a Barbie or tweenies one :ermm: actually im leaning more towards Thomas the tank

Anyway who needs gloves lets all be natural, get back to nature go riding naked NO GLOVES hmmmm on second thought (N) nah

To all those who think I am crazy

Your most probably right (Y)

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