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Hope Pro 2


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both good hubs, I have both kings and hopes and I was happy with either.

However, both have good and bad points....

I found kings to sometimes be unreliable, mine could skip a whole rotation and that was always in the back of my mind when doing gaps and stuff.

Also the axles snap, so you have to fork out yet more money on a hd axle.

I also snapped the flange on my king.

But they are REALLY nice when they work, and they are fairly light.

Hopes I like....I have two and have never had a problem with either, they dont skip, they havnt cracked or anything.

I find my hopes more reliable, stiffer, they have a more positive engagment than kings I feel.

It seems people who have cracked the shells have either had a bad batch or had their spokes too tight.

But as I said, both good hubs, but I choose to use hopes.

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i have a pro 2 and as ali said they are very reliable.

damon watson also has one and he batters the shit out of his but its still going.

ive had mine for 3 months now and im not exactly silky smooth.

mine HASNT skipped at all since the first week.(due to bedding in im sure)

but even then it was only small one tooth skips.

also they are the loudest and best sounding hubs ever.IMO



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Mine exploded but still going back for more.

This is one hub out of many in just England!

Think of all the people that have snapped the frame you ride, but you still riding it.

Make your own choice on advice and not from gossip.

You'll pick the right one.


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I'm a bit of a Hope junky, so I'm gonna say go with the Hope. I had my first one for a few months and it didn't skip once and then broke, probably due to a manufacturing fault (I was told). So it was replaced very quickly and my new hub hasn't skipped once either.

I've not owned a Chris King myself, so I'm not really in a position to say the Hope is better. I can only say what has happened to me and I've ALWAYS run Hope XC hubs. I've had issues that have all been replaced and quickly. But I've been put off of Chris King hubs because of the cost, and issues that I've read about, that could well be founded. Frankly, I'd sooner stick to the devil I know - because Hope has excellent customer service and I know I won't be left out of pocket.

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I've made 3 different kings skip, not by a lot but they have. It seems easier to make them skip when your being smoother on them and its nearly always been when i'm doing something really tiny like a little roll forwards as opposed to a beasty gap.

My hope has skipped once or twice and so has an eno i've been on.

A mate's profile has skipped on me too.

Basically, any hub will skip, theres no difinitive design thats completely ideal for trials. As to strength issues, i've seen a cracked profile, a cracked king, cracked hope, snapped king hub flanges, snapped sun ringle hub flanges and snapped axles on all but the pro II hub (i dont know if anyone has yet have they?).

All i'm saying is there will always be someone that will break something somehow, whether its a product defect or useage that causes it, don't be put off just because a friend of a friend of a brothers uncle saw a picture of a cracked one once.... think of how many there is in use and just choose which you think'll be best for you.

Hope are british though so warranties are quicker/cheaper than with a king, with king being in the U.S. and all that.

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  Krisboats said:

I've made 3 different kings skip, not by a lot but they have. It seems easier to make them skip when your being smoother on them and its nearly always been when i'm doing something really tiny like a little roll forwards as opposed to a beasty gap.

My hope has skipped once or twice and so has an eno i've been on.

A mate's profile has skipped on me too.

Basically, any hub will skip, theres no difinitive design thats completely ideal for trials. As to strength issues, i've seen a cracked profile, a cracked king, cracked hope, snapped king hub flanges, snapped sun ringle hub flanges and snapped axles on all but the pro II hub (i dont know if anyone has yet have they?).

All i'm saying is there will always be someone that will break something somehow, whether its a product defect or useage that causes it, don't be put off just because a friend of a friend of a brothers uncle saw a picture of a cracked one once.... think of how many there is in use and just choose which you think'll be best for you.

Hope are british though so warranties are quicker/cheaper than with a king, with king being in the U.S. and all that.

Sound Advice.

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