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Cutting Your Custom Pads


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The way I do it, which provides an efficient, and reliable fitting is to:

1) Ensure you've got:

  • Bench Vice
  • Decent Hacksaw
  • Narrow chisel
  • (if possible, a really rough file)

2) Put the backings in the vice, and hammer and chisel the little "posts" out

3) Cut the material down into 10*12*50mm bits

4) Put the material in the vice, with 4mm showing out (length ways), and so it's 10mm "wide", (ie the vice is 10mm apart, not 12)

5) Using the saw, cut 1mm in from the edge length ways, 4mm down, ensuring it's dead straight, and not curved

6) Cut flush with the top of the vice, so you end up with the long "corner" cut out.

7) Do the same on the other side, use the backing before you cut the 2nd side to see how far "inwards" you need to cut. (Cut not enough, rather than too much!)

8) Do the same on the ends

9) Using the saw, cut out the middle bit (where the clip is), this needs to be 2mm deep, not 4mm like the edges

10) Use superglue/epoxy resin to glue them in, leave them in the vice to dry

11) Enjoy!


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Quick question for mike. Would it be possible to leave old pads in, hacksaw flush with the backing so you have a flat surface which you could superglue the new material on to. I know superglue works stupidly well when you have two flat surfaces, just wondering whether this would hold up. When you pull the brake the whole pad (unless you're a fool and cant set them up properly) will hit the rim so shouldnt pull apart. Although i spose it is a shearing movement which could cause it to literally slide off.

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Quick question for mike. Would it be possible to leave old pads in, hacksaw flush with the backing so you have a flat surface which you could superglue the new material on to.

Thats how i and Kyle have done it for years, stick like shit to a blanket proper good no problems with it coming off

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