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Beefcake Square Bb


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Hey guys, my bottom bracket is pretty buggered. I'm just wondering if there are any beefy square bottoms brackets? I have used the shimano one for a while, but they just don't cut the mustard now.

Any ideas?

Don't get isis. Due to the larger axel the bearings are made smaller and don't last.

As for a square taper I would recomend the raceface taper lock in steel

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Race Face BBs used to suffer from the bearing colapsing alot.

Unless they have chenged them

For Square taper I would hightly recamend a Shimano UN52

Cheap, and strong. Mine had lasted about 4 years and is still fine.

I have only gone to ISIS due the the new frame (GU, came with an extra long ISIS BB the clear the brakes)

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Don't go raceface Joe!

It will die quicker than a shimano, stick with either a UN52 like u had in there or go for a UN72 which is very similar but it has a steel non-driveside cup (where as the un52 is plastic) and a fully hollow axle, which doesn't affect the strength.


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Don't go raceface Joe!

It will die quicker than a shimano, stick with either a UN52 like u had in there or go for a UN72 which is very similar but it has a steel non-driveside cup (where as the un52 is plastic) and a fully hollow axle, which doesn't affect the strength.


I've had both - the 72 died pretty quickly but the 52 lasted forever and a day ('til it was nicked. No, it was still in the bike.) Plus I don't particularly like steel stuff going into an alu frame - it's asking for corrosion, especially in BB territory.

Just bought a new 53 (successor of the 52), expecting it last til I flog or completely destroy the bike.

Go UN53 (Y) - cheap as chips and pretty indestructible - I've never heard of anyone breaking one.

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