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How To

Trials Maniac

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Heya, ive been looking on this forum and ive noticed theres not a how to section. Who here agrees with me there should be a how to section?? For the meen time we can use this topic for people to post what they want to know how to do then hopefuly someone can tell us how to or mabbye post a link to a site that tells us how to... Well im not very good at trialing so i want to know something; How do you bunnyhop so high? i can only get about a foot, is there a special technique?? :-



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i do agree dude ,there would be a less cluttered nmb forum :) .i'm not amazing at bunnyhopping whilst riding along ,i can get up about a foot aswell ,i'm experimenting with the cockpit feel at the mo (shorter stem and stuff) .i can bunnyhop bout 3 ft with the brakes on though :P ,side hop style just without jumping to the side :P have you watched 'the art of trials' by ryan leech?

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Definetly, would be very useful, TF Admin, ytou don't need to do anything, just make the forum, the hw to's will be made by the forum users, would be a great help, i'm also a member of www.minimotoclub.co.uk and they have a how to, its a great help when the people just aren't there.


http://www.trashzen.com/ has all the how to's you need, one of the main reasons we don't have one here :)

Forgive me if im wrong but i thought trashzen only has how to's on tricks and riding, not fixes and setups.

EDIT, just read the first post properly, he does only mention tricks and riding, but would it be good to have a setup and repair section?

Edited by 49ccminicrossah
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Mark (OBM) was doing something like this a while back.

When i was talking to him about it, he said he was struggling to find time to do it. And now he's at Uni, i don't think he will will have any time at all.

Was something like the technical section, in the sm forum.

But there's nowt wrong with Trashzen, even has videos to help.

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No, you are not wrong it does only have tricks (well as far as i know) Im glad people agree with me that a how to forum would be a great idea. Now we need to convince the admins that it would be a popular forum and very helpful, as tf gets at least 1 topic a day with some one asking how to do something, or how to mend something. So, admins, all you need to do is make a new forum....


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No, you are not wrong it does only have tricks (well as far as i know) Im glad people agree with me that a how to forum would be a great idea. Now we need to convince the admins that it would be a popular forum and very helpful, as tf gets at least 1 topic a day with some one asking how to do something, or how to mend something. So, admins, all you need to do is make a new forum....



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Slight problem with your idea, people have different ways of doing things.Meaning there will be disagrements and arguments over whose way is best.

Having a sub-forum specifically for how-to doesn't seem worth it to me. You'll still get the same topics coming up over and over again, so it won't really make much difference. Sure it may mean NMC isn't as clogged up with how to's, but it will still have all the other pointless topics.

Plus most of the more experienced riders amy not even visit the forum, so people may not get as much help as they would if it was included in a forum such as NMC.

If you don't like Trashzen, theres a how to on Biketrials.com, or you could even use Blue peters downlaod thing. :P

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There are many websites, forums, topics we even have a f**king FAQ but no f**ker can be bothered to go look or search can they not even Google!!!

So in all honestly i agree with Tomturd as the effort to do one and keep it updated is out weighed by all the N00BS that keep asking, these pads any good, how do i grind my rim, how do i bleed my brake, how do i even have a wank...etc

Hense with the rules and futher to why i gave uber shitty replys on 99% of my posts on topics that came up on here of ummt he last 2 weeks!

Need i go on

If you do a contsructive post, asking and proving you've serached you'll get the help form theos that really know, if you don;t know at all don;t give any input you just spaming then!

Sorry if this upsets anyone just giving my beef on this

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Also hence why you arent validated , people will always ask these questions unless they make the effort to read through the FAQ's. Which most wont , and hopefully they will then realise that they should make more effort then become a good pre/member.

There is information there people just use that good old search first.

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