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Trials Magazine


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1/4 bike trials. I give it a year until it's only a page spread like hip hop.

It's just that moto trials is a lot more popular, they fill arenas these days.

Would be good though. BUT it won't advertise much outside the sport, and we get most of our info off here.

Nice to see some effort.

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i think its actually a well established magazine in france and spain. trials world was a moto/biketrials uk magazine and that was very well done

Really? You must have been reading a different Trials World to me. I thought it was a bit pants. Sure, it was nice to have a dedicated Trials mag, and for that reason I bought pretty much every issue, but the articles were rubbish. You could easily read it cover to cover in under an hour. I think the problem was that the TMX/DBR crew were doing it all in their spare time around their usual work for TMX/DBR; it's no wonder it lacked a bit of substance!

As for Trial Magazine, I've got much higher hopes for this - I've heard very good reports about the French and Spanish versions. As it's coming out bi-monthly it's only £15 a year to subscribe, something I've done already. If the qualities going to be there we don't want TM sliding down the same pit of financial death as TW did.

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Really? You must have been reading a different Trials World to me. I thought it was a bit pants. Sure, it was nice to have a dedicated Trials mag, and for that reason I bought pretty much every issue, but the articles were rubbish.

Can you elaborate on this? Were the biketrials articles rubbish, or just the articles in general throughout the magazine?

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Can you elaborate on this? Were the biketrials articles rubbish, or just the articles in general throughout the magazine?

Hmm, perhaps rubbish was the wrong word to use. The articles weren't particularly bad, they just lacked any real content. I mostly mean the non-biketrials articles. To be honest I didn't really pay so much attention to the biketrials articles as, if I remember rightly, they were mostly event reports of events I'd already heard about on here (and probably seen videos of). Also, I'm more interested in motorbikes these days, so the rest of the magazine was of more interest to me.

It's hard to explain my problem with TW without really repeating myself. I think this is the problem, there wasn't much in it to stick in your mind, good or bad. I don't think I've ever found myself referring back to any of the issues I have here to remind myself of anything, which is generally not a great sign.

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The biketrials articles were as good as they could have been, seeing as they were in a magazine for people with a limited exposure to biketrials. It's always good to have more outlets for that kind of thing, as people don't sit down and write proper articles on here, which are then subedited professionally.

As for the rest of the mag, I don't really know my motorcycles that well but they seemed pretty well written to me. I guess having a limited knowledge may have made them more interesting to me.

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i personally thought that trials world was the only mag that gave a better veiw of our sport as no other mag covers the comps in an upto date and un-biased way. Trials world was a great amg and i actually bought everyone shame that they stopped doing it gutted :angry:

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QUOTE(danny B @ Oct 12 2006, 04:55 PM)

i personally thought that trials world was the only mag that gave a better veiw of our sport as no other mag covers the comps in an upto date and un-biased way. Trials world was a great amg and i actually bought everyone shame that they stopped doing it gutted :angry:

One big problem with magazines is that they require sales to survive. I don't know the reasons why Trialsworld folded, but for every person like Danny who'd buy a mag, someone like delusional wouldn't. That's their choice, but the less people willing to buy a mag means less potential of one being made...

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Which is why it needs to be online, article based, like your Section7 was, all the latest, biggest, smallest manafacturers submit new products and news, all bike trial governing bodies submit news regarding competitions, allow article submition from referenced people at competitions for write-ups, go to shows and cover them properly, pictures, maybe some interviews.

Once someone has the resources to do that, contact me and i'll do you the site.

Been wanting to do something like this for ages, just don't have the contacts or resources.

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allow article submition from referenced people at competitions for write-ups

Simon, the biggest problem with any site like the one you're suggesting is getting people to submit good articles. If it was easy, then TF would be awash with proper, structured reports, interviews and so on. It can be done, but it does require a core group of people to do an awful lot of work to keep it rolling along.

This becomes doubley hard when you start getting involved with embargos on releasing information because such and such wants to keep it quiet for now until it can be announced in MBUK or whatever.

Trials does need a proper, informed, researched news outlet. I think that BiketrialUK has now become the defacto source for competition dates, rules and regs, but that's all. TF is 99.9% rumour and gossip (and lets be honest, uninformed gobbing off) and hence lacks a lot of authority that MBUK has or Section7 did have.

If this could fly as a magazine, then it require even more people to put in even more work. It wouldn't be easy, otherwise everyone would be doing it already!

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Simon, the biggest problem with any site like the one you're suggesting is getting people to submit good articles. If it was easy, then TF would be awash with proper, structured reports, interviews and so on. It can be done, but it does require a core group of people to do an awful lot of work to keep it rolling along.

I think you are maybe looking at my idea from the wrong angle. I'm probably assuming you can mind read, so sorry for that :P

I completely agree, Trials-Forum has hardly ever seen any decent articles posted, maybe because they haven't had the incentive too, or the inspiration and purpose too; discuss this later in post.

As for a core group, that may well be true, but if you go about it properly, then each person can have their own tasks, have the jobs allocated properly and a lot of work, turns into just a lot of small tasks, again, incentive discussed later on.

This becomes doubley hard when you start getting involved with embargos on releasing information because such and such wants to keep it quiet for now until it can be announced in MBUK or whatever.

This is probably one of the biggest hurdles with a full blown attempt at this, but even if a deal can't be reached, for instance, share rights with MBUK, they advertise the news site, in return, we plug MBUK, maybe offer discounted subscription, discounted entry to events that MBUK are advertising, giving people a reason to buy MBUK, maybe in conjunction with the site.

As its not MBUk that strictly denote how they release information, if approached by people who want to keep information strictly for MBUK, then simply play hard ball. They wont get their information or article published on the site at all, and not reach the much wider niche audience that they wont get with MBUK. Harsh, but it may work if you present the site well, and present it with forecast hits and visitor estimates

Trials does need a proper, informed, researched news outlet. I think that BiketrialUK has now become the defacto source for competition dates, rules and regs, but that's all. TF is 99.9% rumour and gossip (and lets be honest, uninformed gobbing off) and hence lacks a lot of authority that MBUK has or Section7 did have.

Agreed really, there are however some very good resources to tap into on Trials-Forum. I'm also talking about going outside Trials-Forum, try and get some overseas articles, interviews with riders that wouldn't usually get known outside their small town could get world wide coverage, which brings me onto...

If this could fly as a magazine, then it require even more people to put in even more work. It wouldn't be easy, otherwise everyone would be doing it already!

Everyone just needs an incentive to get it going. Get some guest writers in, people that riders and spectators alike can associate with, like "if they can do it, so will i". Then theres the fact your articles and words will be seen un-censored worldwide, on a site that is a central resource for trials, latest news, product releases, events, interviews. Why wouldn't you want your content published on such a site.

Given, it wouldn't be easy, nor would it be an overnight success, but their is a huge gap for this sort of thing, just needs a body of people to kick some pieces of people together into one big solved puzzle so it can work, and of course some name dropping and favours pulling.

Meh, not really sure why i'm saying all this, suppose just trying to kick start someone into trying it i guess. :lol:

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QUOTE(danny B @ Oct 12 2006, 04:55 PM)

i personally thought that trials world was the only mag that gave a better veiw of our sport as no other mag covers the comps in an upto date and un-biased way. Trials world was a great amg and i actually bought everyone shame that they stopped doing it gutted :angry:

stop bumming lmao

trials mags in general are old and shite.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to drag this one up a bit :P

You can now subscribe to the mag at a small 25 euros rouhly £15 (Y)here

IPB Image

First issue is due out 22nd of November and I know for a fact that it will have more cycle trials than everyone thinks. Barbara Wright has been working with all the Uk clubs who have hopefully sent in some good stuff ( I know we have :- )

It's going to be avalible in all good newsagents as they say ;) so everyone get off your cheap asses and buy the first issue when it comes out, if you think it's good subscribe (Y) and lets actually surport this.

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Sorry to drag this one up a bit :P

You can now subscribe to the mag at a small 25 euros rouhly £15 (Y)here

IPB Image

First issue is due out 22nd of November and I know for a fact that it will have more cycle trials than everyone thinks. Barbara Wright has been working with all the Uk clubs who have hopefully sent in some good stuff ( I know we have :- )

It's going to be avalible in all good newsagents as they say ;) so everyone get off your cheap asses and buy the first issue when it comes out, if you think it's good subscribe (Y) and lets actually surport this.

Well said Matt. If we buy then it should not fold. If enough people get it, then maybee it will not end up just being one page long as somebody said it would be earlier on.

Trials is a massive sport in Spain and France surely this mag can only help us. The amount of moto riders over here is very healthy, if we are in their mag then we shall also be spotted so this can only be good yes.

Give it chance and lets see if can beat the frence at their own game because we do have the tallent out there.

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Over 7,000 words (at least 7-8 pages) have been sent to the Uk editor along with 82 photos to choose from.

All Uk clubs and organisers were invited to contribute, and all but one did! Coverage of EBTC, HampsBTC, WEMC, Tykes, NBTC Scotland, Huddersfield Falcons, British Champs, World Champs.

Anyone organising any trials event is welcomed to send reports and photos of events to me at barbara@biketrialuk.co.uk for inclusion in the next issue. Feedback of what you want to see/read is also welcome.

This magazine will be what we all make it - and remember it is a TRIALS magazine, and not just a motortrials magazine with a bit of biketrial thrown in.


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  • 3 weeks later...

does anyone know what newsagents will be selling this and if its still coming out on the 22nd?

As far as I've heard the launch date is looking to be more like the 14th December now. I think basically it'll be done when it's done, hopefully that'll be sooner rather than later though!

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