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Girlfriends And Trials


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My GF loves it, bit chicken to try though. Shes even pushed me out on my bike rather then seeing her. I couldn't ask for a better lass. She appreciates my own freedoms, and knows that if she ever makes me choose ill choose my bike, cause she doesn't have to make me choose. If she wants to meet, will always take priority over my bike.

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My GF loves it, bit chicken to try though. Shes even pushed me out on my bike rather then seeing her. I couldn't ask for a better lass. She appreciates my own freedoms, and knows that if she ever makes me choose ill choose my bike, cause she doesn't have to make me choose. If she wants to meet, will always take priority over my bike.


Leah seems really sound, say hi from me... ;)

Hehe, nah, on a more serious note, Louise (My chick, see Post a pic of your GF...) is completely amazing.

She reallises how much riding means to me, and accepts that to the extent of forcing me to ride! She kicked me out of hers to go riding the other day cheeky bugger! She's getting a bit into it too which is good, will get her on my bike sometime, can only be good!

However, there's a line and I wouldn't be with her if I thought I was going to reject her for the bike too much, so of course I see her when I can too.

It's going really well on every front at the mo, let's hope it stays that way :)

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yippie i just got my girlfriend to buy me hope pro 2 rear hub and a hope xc front hub oh and don't forget the helmet she is getting me lol thats what girlfriends are for! :PB)(Y):rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Yeah... lucky sod, i wish i had a girlfriend that would buy me stuff for my bike, or just a girlfriend HAHA :$

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yeah good one Glen i will do beans on toast with water for a drink and then hold her hand and say"baby i am getting bored of my frame can i have a koxx level boss or a echo pure or a czar ivan or a hole new bike lol cheers Glen

you have gave me some good tips i am going to try it two morrow night!.

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You have noooo idea how much it f**k's you off when you b/f would rather ride trials than see you <_<

Yeah i know..... even though i ride trials my self, theres two sides to my life LOL

so no it does not mix AT all!! (N)

Tis alright at first.... but the novelty wares off pretty quick.

Edited by crazy_gap girl
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I'm am going to have to agree with this, although I don't have a girlfriend right now, if I did and she rode trials I honestly think we would get pretty sick of each other pretty quick. If I was wrong then fine bring on the trials riding girlfriend but I'm not likely to find one in Fareham, the closest a girl has got to trials in my area is ash kennard's sister but she got scared of by half the forum on that big old post that turned to incest in ash's family and got shut down :lol:

Anyway, my second thing, draining your girlfriend of money for your parts, come on thats a bit tight, I wouldn't do that, but if anything goes wrong don't say I told you so.

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  • 2 years later...
I don't really get overly protective, I just say, "It's your own stupid fault so don't expect me to phone the ambulance." :P

Loveee trials!

P.s. majorrrrrrr bump!

:Plol i made this topics agggeeeeeeeeeeees agoo! cannot belive its still going on:D

but anyways I havnt got a missis no more (Y) all good stuff now ha ha dotn spend all my cash on stupid stuff now apart from when i need new trials stuff hmm :D

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I don't have a girlfriend any more. :/

But when we was together she rode horses. So it was more or less if i backed her up with them she wouldn't slate me and my bike haha.

I think there needs to be more girls like hannah, interested in trials :)

Edited by bigamac
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