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Monty Magura Y Splitter

Mike W

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yes they do improve your braking as they make it so you get equal brake pad distrobution (pads move at the same time hitting the rim at the same time) they are a lot of hassel to fit as they are an odd shape and the nipples are really big compaired to the size of the inner bit of the hose, i ve had mine for about 3 months now and it is still going strong. although they improve braking the improvement isnt that noticable. if all you want to do is improve your brakes get a good solid booster, some good pads and a nice grind with a wee bit of tar.


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Insted of your slaves working as master to slave it makes them master master, thus equal braking, ie both pads move same time!

They are okay but only asthetics in looks nowt eles! The feel is not thats noticeable, unless you run the correct slaves and water is good in them

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i wouldnt have thought that the splitter would make much of a difference, the normal cross over would last longer i think, and if they're not moving at the same time, as soon as 1 pad touches the rim, the other one moves in aswell. honestly dont think there would be much difference. and the splitter i reckon is just another thing to snap.

keep it simple......less things go snap imo!

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i think that the splitter is better than having the crap crossover bit that always gets mangled

by passing ankles,bums and legs.with the oil splitter,hose splitter,oil conpensator or whatever

you want to call it , the hose is kept tucked away and not hanging in a more vulnerable place.

and also it does distribute the braking power more and makes your brake more power efficiant.


Edit: hope i worded that correctly :ermm:

Edited by max-t
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