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Whats The Best Way To Start Learning The Pedal Kick And Back Hop

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right make sure you have a ride on your bike every day

and start to learn how to balance

then when you get better at that then start trying to kick your pedal and hop and then put your brake on then your on your way once you can pedal hop then you can back hop so ceep trying mate and dont give up i have too mates who had good bikes and they gave up on trials so dont give up (Y):D(Y)

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first make sure your back brake is working well(most important)

then get the motion right on the flat first, pedel brake and so on

next find a nice SOFT patch of grass and practice by going front wheel to back by locking your front brake on then moving your weight back to the back wheel and get the motion, hold on your back wheel for a few seconds then let it drop.

only them can you start throwing in a quick kick down on your pedals to hop you forwards dont think you will get i straight away, it took me months to even get up a kerb.

but keep practicing ( this is where soft grass helps >_< ) and expect to fall but keep at it and you will soon get it

good luck

dont forget the helmet!!!


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Pedal and braking, pedal and braking.

That was a joke for the people who watched it.

1. Anyhow try kicking your pedal, (you know what kicking is yeh) ...While lifting and leaning back.

Sort of doing a wheelie. But with ONLY a pedal kick. So you move ONLY a few inches.

2. When the front wheel comes up and before you fall over the back, pull the brake!

3. The front wheel will drop *while holding the brake. Then..

Do another pedal kick. To move forward a few more inches. (you have let go of the brake)

...While lifting and leaning back.

4. Go back to step 2. And repeat.

I know that was ONLY pedal and breaking but trust me you will be better off learning that first then you will suddenly be able to hop without thinking.

Hopefully 90% of people will agree with this so you will know where to start. (Y)

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It takes a while to control the rear brakes and release the back wheel just for the pedal kick, then block it straight away to avoid a crash on your back. Start on a flat ground, lift the front wheel by just kicking firmly once in your driving pedal and pull the rear brakes. From that position on the rear wheel, let the front wheel drop a little bit and before it touches the ground, release briefly the brakes and give another kick in your driving pedal (then brakes full on again). Of course, each time, you need to re-adjust your pedal position so that you are ready to kick with your good foot. ..Just practice...and practice and practice, until you can do at least two or three pedal kicks in a row, without the front wheel touching the ground.

More tips

Once you get there, try to be more precise with your kicks. Find some marks on the ground, and try to control where you start, and where you stop. You'll notice that if you lean forward just before the pedal kick, you'll be able to reach the next stop further. Lowering the front wheel before the pedal kick gives you more power and also compensates for the front wheel lift you get from the kick, preventing stupid crashes on your back. You can also boost your pedal kick with the bouncing effect of the rear tire (low pressure). Then you can launch these pedal kicks one step down from a kerb and then up that same kerb to feel the move (for the upward move, you need to pull up on the bars further after the pedal kick). Make sure you control your stops before moving to bigger gaps.

got this from trashzen, would have posted a link up but its done by flash so it would have just took the home page. basically trashzen gives tips on how to do the most basic moves ie. back hop, forward hop etc to the more advanced moves like the hook etc.

hope that helped. good luck learning them, but as soon as you learn the basics, it all comes easy (Y)

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