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Damon Watson Video 3

Damon W

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That vid was pure insanity!Can't believe you went for that gap at 2:22,thats the most airtime ive ever seen anyone get on a trialsbike I think :blink:

Your huge gaps to front and sidehops was also shocking to watch.Well done,looking forward to your next video.

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Amazing video, Damon. As always, inspiring stuff to watch. Really good editing, the song's really suited your riding, and you edited them together really well (Y) .

And, like when i saw Neil's bail videos, it's nice and re-assuring to know that you deck yourself's sometimes, haha :P .



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thanks for the comments so far!! gudums!

yer i choose to change and get a Gu (which im happy to report is way better! :) ..) becos i dont like the new Adamants with low bb :angry: .......

i use bbb foam grips, and fell off at 2:22 because i kicked off the front to much on the rail , meaning i shorted the gap abit :ermm: , and landed on the slope. then my brake rolled through and i was 2 inverted.

so decided it was time to let go.

lol it was the best way i cud bail hehe hurt like fook to :sick: chipped ma bone n had to get ma toe nail drilled to relieve dried blood unter my toe nail. had to stumble back to station!!

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Well everybody, all hail to the street god, best rider ever in my opinion, he has just totally lost it now.

Amazing video, loved the song, loved the riding, loved the editing and love your riding style.

I have loved everyone of your video's and have never being dissapointed with any of them, number 2 has to be my favorite so far though, purly because it has in flames - take this life as the song.

So yeah spot on mate, hope someday i get the chance to ride with you.

Keep up the :sick: riding.

Nice 1.


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  Joe_Elding said:

Theres something about your gap to front style that makes me laugh everytime i watch it, sorta looks like youve f**kked it up but you havent. looks beautiful IMO.

awesome video

Ye it is exactly what i think.

It's the way you suddenly come to a stop on the front (where most would roll it on the front), then you get the back tyre on.

Looks strange but really nice (Y)

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Awesome video! :blink:

Can I ask one thing... How many forks do you go through on a monthly basis lol the amount of abuse you put they wee bad boys through... its insane, they front wheel gaps you do are out of this world! Was a GREAT video altough I wasnt so ken on the song but you can please everyone ;)(Y)

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  merseytrial said:

Sick sick sick the gap from the rail to bottom of slide!! :o sombody call the mental hospital before this boy hurt him self, nice one damon ;)

he was dropped at birth (straight out of the womb) so he doesnt feel pain. he is a real man. all man, except for the lack of peni!

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  SemteX said:

song is old school hollywood by system of a down. (Y)

Is that what they sound like now then? Doesn't sound like them to me but I went off them after the second album, it all went a bit weird singing about pizza pies on the third album!

Top quality video as always Damon, bit short if anything, could watch you all day.... sometimes I do :shifty:


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I enjoyed that. Your riding is really progressing - nice to see a few different lines in there. What's with the planks of wood before that sidehop - is that for extra spring?

You've certainly got very little fear, there are some gigantic moves there - I'm surprised you haven't killed yourself yet! Was nice to see some accidents included in the video as well, nasty :o

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