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Jowett Long 7


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My friend(Dont you Just Hate it When...) Robin posted a topic in chit-chat section about my car, id just like to update those interested;

For starters, the correct top speed is 60mph (yeah it can go on motorways). At the moment I'm rewiring the whole car at the moment, because during testing of the old wiring, we had a little smoking incident resulting in a burned out wire casing and a garage full of thick white smoke. Anyway once the wiring is complete, I'm going to start on cleaning the engine of all rust and grime after its eight years in storage. Once all the work is done to the engine and electronics, I'm going to re aplolster the interior and give it a new paint job of silver grey where the maroon is and black where the black is.

Anyway just thought Id update those who were interested.

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Hey tried to post in Chit-chat about it but not a member.

Use the Spell Checker, it doesn't take long!

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Use descriptive topic titles, try not to use topic titles such as 'help!', 'Problem with....', 'where', and instead try and put as much information in as possible

Try and put as much information into your posts as possible, don't leave people guessing what you mean (this is not MSN!)

Do not spam/post irrelevant messages

Don't get involved in arguments, use the report button. If you are argumentative you seriously reduce your chances of getting validated

Do NOT post new threads asking when you will be validated

Do NOT post new threads asking why you cant post anywhere else

Do NOT email us when you realise you cant post anywhere else

Do NOT cross post between Members Chat forums and New Members Chat

Harassing Admins/Moderators via PM/Email/MSN WILL NOT get you validated any faster

For Sale/Wanted/Swap threads are not allowed in New Members Chat

read the rule post it somewere else or not at all!

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Use the Spell Checker, it doesn't take long!

Don't use txt talk

Use descriptive topic titles, try not to use topic titles such as 'help!', 'Problem with....', 'where', and instead try and put as much information in as possible

Try and put as much information into your posts as possible, don't leave people guessing what you mean (this is not MSN!)

Do not spam/post irrelevant messages

Don't get involved in arguments, use the report button. If you are argumentative you seriously reduce your chances of getting validated

Do NOT post new threads asking when you will be validated

Do NOT post new threads asking why you cant post anywhere else

Do NOT email us when you realise you cant post anywhere else

Do NOT cross post between Members Chat forums and New Members Chat

Harassing Admins/Moderators via PM/Email/MSN WILL NOT get you validated any faster

For Sale/Wanted/Swap threads are not allowed in New Members Chat

read the rule post it somewere else or not at all!

Why are you digging at him on how to get validated when you haven't yourself? As the person above said, new-members chat is a mixture of stuff, doesn't all have to be trials

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^^^ theres the rest of the pictures ^^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Use the Spell Checker, it doesn't take long!

Don't use txt talk

Use descriptive topic titles, try not to use topic titles such as 'help!', 'Problem with....', 'where', and instead try and put as much information in as possible

Try and put as much information into your posts as possible, don't leave people guessing what you mean (this is not MSN!)

Do not spam/post irrelevant messages

Don't get involved in arguments, use the report button. If you are argumentative you seriously reduce your chances of getting validated

Do NOT post new threads asking when you will be validated

Do NOT post new threads asking why you cant post anywhere else

Do NOT email us when you realise you cant post anywhere else

Do NOT cross post between Members Chat forums and New Members Chat

Harassing Admins/Moderators via PM/Email/MSN WILL NOT get you validated any faster

For Sale/Wanted/Swap threads are not allowed in New Members Chat

read the rule post it somewere else or not at all!

yeah i find it funny that a premember is giving advide on how to become a member? fathopper can post anything he likes in this forum.

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