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Alex Treby


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Been filming a few clips over the past few weeks.

and this is what has come of it.

I have uploaded it to youtube for you that probaly wont want to save it.

and eengodidlee for you that may.

Thanks a bunch :)

P.s the bin idea at the begging. i know stan/tarty did it but its matt idea.



Enjoy, or at least try to :-

eengondidee link to come.

but heres the youtube one for now.

Edited by alext
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That was fun to watch (Y) But as Craig wrote, it was a bit repetitive at times. A video doesn't have to be long so there's no need of using the same clip a few times :)

okay :)

thanks for the comments lads:)


it wernt the london eye

it's some shitty wheel thing that plymouth's had for a while now :P

Edited by alext
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Sexy Mother Funker!

(Oh shit, you don't go for the Yo' Moma jokes do you...) :-

Looking good mate, although I checked out a few spots here in Brizzle today (without bike) and Lloyds etc is pretty damn close to my place!

Few weeks and I'll have all the admin stuff here done, so will be riding loads!

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