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was out on sunday pulling some new tricks that i seen on the vids, have a great day when i tried a mer 2 1/2foot side hope on to a narrow wall when it all went wrong. ending in a very badly twisted ankle so of to a&e we go to be told to stay of my bike for 2-3wks :angry: don't they know how passionate we are about our sport. went out last night 4 a ride never felt better. docs what they on about?

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well they dont no exactly how bad the injury is.. you do need to use your own judgement but normally they like you to rest for that bit longer because it can cause longer term damage..

i recently got smacked in the leg right under the muscle which caused alot of pain.. after a few days i played rugby again and it now has got worse.. the docs told me to not do any sport for2 weeks! i asked whats the worst that can happen, and they said that i have done to much weights on my legs and the ligements are starting to rip or something, and now my muscle can get shorter if im not careful, so that will leave long term causes... so yea im going to rest for a bit longer.. so just watch out and take it easy mate

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thats a big load of crap! if you've been riding the last 4 night mate you went royal for a petty twist, when i did my ankle in i wasnt riding for minimum 2 weeks, who cares how much you love the sport if your injured, you've just gotta bare it out!

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dude you got off light!!! i had 11 hours in hospital blacked out from the pain - fractured rib bruised ribs and my lungs have been leaking air into my diaphram constant sickness. all cos i fell off riding 1 handed

hence me being at home feeling very roughed up lol they stuck me on a dripp and forced me 2 stay in but i got bored so i took out the dripp and signed myslef out..... going to the doctors later seeing how welll im gettin patched up!!! lol

i cant walk or breathe so yea i have sympathy from you on the walking front!!!! lol

ill b on my bike soon!!!!! :lol: still got a spare 23 or so ribs lol

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  Simpson said:

dude you got off light!!! i had 11 hours in hospital blacked out from the pain - fractured rib bruised ribs and my lungs have been leaking air into my diaphram constant sickness. all cos i fell off riding 1 handed

hence me being at home feeling very roughed up lol they stuck me on a dripp and forced me 2 stay in but i got bored so i took out the dripp and signed myslef out..... going to the doctors later seeing how welll im gettin patched up!!! lol

i cant walk or breathe so yea i have sympathy from you on the walking front!!!! lol

ill b on my bike soon!!!!! :lol: still got a spare 23 or so ribs lol

Know how you feel been bed ridden for wks in the past, with knee injury and menigitis(can't spell that one) hope you get back on the bike soon. B)

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  Snowy said:

thats a big load of crap! if you've been riding the last 4 night mate you went royal for a petty twist, when i did my ankle in i wasnt riding for minimum 2 weeks, who cares how much you love the sport if your injured, you've just gotta bare it out!

Your just a big fat wimp who can't type to save his life.... that first bit really didnt make much sense :blink:

I'm down with the whole "just ride it off" approach to injuries, bear the brief pain and be amazed at how the adrenaline will block out any wimpy pain.

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  Simpson said:

dude you got off light!!! i had 11 hours in hospital blacked out from the pain - fractured rib bruised ribs and my lungs have been leaking air into my diaphram constant sickness. all cos i fell off riding 1 handed

hence me being at home feeling very roughed up lol they stuck me on a dripp and forced me 2 stay in but i got bored so i took out the dripp and signed myslef out..... going to the doctors later seeing how welll im gettin patched up!!! lol

i cant walk or breathe so yea i have sympathy from you on the walking front!!!! lol

ill b on my bike soon!!!!! :lol: still got a spare 23 or so ribs lol

lol i was there :P and lets say it wasnt funny well it was till you could hardly breathe (N) but erm take you time mate, can u come film for me :P

o ive done my fair share of a+e visits

nose diving off a drop and scrapping on the concrete for about 6ft on my check bone

hopping up a wall and not grippin the bar enough so as i landed on the wall my wrist went forward but my thumb went back

nose diving again and landing on my wrist and elbow seezing my whole arm

time is the best healer

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