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Mech Hanger Randomly Bending

Gaz M

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Well my mech hangers are just bending, im not landing on them or anything. But slowly they just bend mroe and more towards the frame and unexpectidly knocking the mech out of line and ending up with me face planting. Starting to get worried, ive been through 3 hangers already just because of it. Is there any reason that could be causing it? And bending them back to shape scares me as they go even weaker then they already are. would it help if i got a tensioner instead?

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Thats odd. Maybe your jockey wheels are not spinning well? or your hangers are crap. uh... if ur running a derraileur and you dont have it tensioned to the right place for your cog maybe its constantly pulling on it. Not too sure, thats all I could think of. unless u constantly lay ur bike on that side and it hits it. does your foot hit the derailleur?

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I used to get this all the time on my old frame, was really annoying, I didn't land on it or anything it would just slowly start to bend inwards.

I would guess that it's just poor materials as they are produced very cheaply and in fact they make them weak so that if you do land on them they break and not your mech.

Get a decent sleel one made, or get in contact with one of the clever chaps on here who have gone hangerless and see how you can go about doing that, it's definitely the future!!!!


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his mech is fine, personally i think its just that the mech hangers are weak, gaz himself also thinks that this is the problem, i have not seen him land on his mech once, but they still seem to snap easily, must be the power your producing :)

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i had this problem with one of my tensioners, i had a paul comp one. Basically the spring on it was sooooo strong and my chain was super short :P it was pulling the hanger towards the froint of the bike (too much tension) i went through about 3 of them becuase of this reason. I bought a onza cnc one and it was fine (Y) give it ago with one of them! :)

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