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Trials Bike Advice.


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Afternoon guys.

I need some advice on how to get started with trials biking.

What would be the best type of bike to buy ? A pure trials bike ? or more like an urban jump bike ?

Whats the best size wheels ? I see there can be a choice between 20/24/26 ?

Not sure how much I want to spend, but look at 500 quid as a starting point.

I mountain bike alot, and I think if i did a bit of trials practice it would help me on the trails

Also a question thats been in my head, is the front ring fixed on a trials bike ? (what I mean is if you pedal backwards the bike moves backwards .. not sure if im being clear)

Any way, any advice / pointers would be greatly appreciated !!!



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Afternoon guys.

I need some advice on how to get started with trials biking.

What would be the best type of bike to buy ? A pure trials bike ? or more like an urban jump bike ?

probably a pure trials bike

Whats the best size wheels ? I see there can be a choice between 20/24/26 ?

stick to what you're used to - although 26/24 look to be much the same

Not sure how much I want to spend, but look at 500 quid as a starting point.

buy an onza

I mountain bike alot, and I think if i did a bit of trials practice it would help me on the trails

Also a question thats been in my head, is the front ring fixed on a trials bike ? (what I mean is if you pedal backwards the bike moves backwards .. not sure if im being clear)

no - most 20" bikes have the freewheel on the front but everything works like a normal bike in terms of coasting etc

Any way, any advice / pointers would be greatly appreciated !!!



answers inline :D

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Cheers for the feed back

Any decent sites on the net where I can read up about trials / onza bikes etc

I really am new to this :P



this is probably the best place for info - there's 5million 'which bike shall i get?' topics so you probably want to hit the search button.

With the money you've got you're looking at a onza t-rex (26) or a t-pro/t-mag (20) really - onza do a 24 (zoot) but im not sure what it costs

for shopping you can't do better than tartybikes.co.uk

for learning - trashzen.com

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look at the banner at the top for bike shops they are all good. i would say deffinately get a pure trialss bike and not a jump/street bike thing. because it will just cost you more money on top of what you have spent to get parts ect that are trials spercific as you get better and find the jump bike is holding you back and limiting you.

i would surgest useing tartybikes and most people on here will aswell, give them a call and tell them the situation and they will give you advise even if you dont buy a bike from them, they will help you out, but as i said i would buy a bike from them as they have the widest selection of bikes great customer service and sell onzas which are really the best beginner bike you can get for what you pay.

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well if your new, you will see most new people who get mods (20") get the Onza Tpro.. check out www.tartybikes.co.uk .... they sell tpros of course but also a few others.. so have a look round, read the specs of them and maybe some reviews of them ( their is a forum here on the main page) and just read other peoples topics.. your not alone here, there are hundreds of these topics :P

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