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Neil Tunni

Neil Tunnicliffe

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Its too much - your riding is just a joke - Im a science teacher at a college and im passing this onto my mate the physics teacher to show the kids - because if this doesnt blow their minds to bits then I dont know what will! Although he may find it difficult to explain how this follows the laws of physics!! :P

You are raising the standard so much it makes me think the stuff im aiming at doing is just too low if what your doing is possible!

So your pretty much single handedly raising everybodies game!



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I've stopped downloading trials videos recently as theyre all just too similar, Couldn't resist watching this one and I'm pretty sure wont be seeing anything similar for a very long time.

You really are pushing the limits as to what I even considered possible. Keep riding I want to see what you can do in 5 years time!

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Insane, Neil :blink: . That is one of the few words i could use to describe both the videos! As well as going stupidly big on everything, your creating new moves. For example, hooking a rail; me and Gaz were debating, a few years back, whether it was actually possible... But know we know.

Awesome :S .



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I dont really like to tap a short bike. Now I have a long bike pedaling is much nicer/easyer.

I find I can go alot bigger hooking with a bunnyhop. does it matter I bunnyhop?

Neil T.

So which bike is this - the new pitbull ? is that longer than the one you normally ride ?

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So which bike is this - the new pitbull ? is that longer than the one you normally ride ?

Alright dude. The zoo vid 32 is on the short old 05 bike.

Now I have the 1100 07 long frame so bunnyhops are a bit poor. But pedaling on the 07 is nice.

I still love your hooks though, propper smooth :DB)

(Mr Dave) to download the video:


then go on video page..

then at top of page there is zoo vid 32.

you left click the floppy disc icon.

then you should see zoo vid 32 on tv.isg.si.


Neil T

Edited by Neil Tunnicliffe
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I can't seem to find them on filebrowser.. :( It says they don't exist, can anyone help?


Edit: found the bail one on google video - just search neil tunnicliffe and its the top one

Edited by Dont you Just Hate it When...
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