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Cassete Broke Up.


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hello, well. I don´t have a good english, so I´ll try to explain my self so you can understand.

I used Single Speed for like a year... something like that... with Shimano Sora tensioner.

When I made a good tensioner for it, I had to put the chainline some kind diagonal to the wheels, and when I was riding I made a gap and my "rear cog" (remember me the name please :D ) was broken.... bended to a side...

was the diagonal chain line??

what was it???

please help me with this.


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I'm a little confused as to the details due to language barriers (but bloody good work anyway dude!), but i think what you want to know is whether the bending of your rear cog was due to the diagonal chain line?

If so, its definately a possibility.

Chain lines should be as straight as possible to avoid skipping and bending of the cog.

However, some cogs that have been broken up from cassettes arn't designed to be put through the pressure trials puts on them, and so bend even if the chain was straight.

Try using a high quality single cog (King Kog/Shimano DX/Surly etc) and sort your chainline so its straight.

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