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Profile Hubs For Stock


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id say no..from a very long experiance of them..they are absolute bollocks..

DONT GET ONE!!!!!!!!!!!

the first one i got brand new was the 6 speed one and i broke it within 2 months.the bearings in the freehub body went...so i got some more

then 4 months later they went again..along with the rachet ring.

so my dad again replaced them for me..

so i have new rachet ring and bearings and im ready to ride.a WEEK later and i ride at addigham moorside (total mission from home) and it breaks on the first day ther.

so we thought i might of just had a defected hub.so my dad buys a brand new hub...

i put it on seems fine bla bla bla..again a few months down the line a pawl snaps along with the hub bearing going and the freehub body bearing.

then i snap the akle.

buy a nw one etc etc and i really couldnt be assed with it any more.

  • they break all the time
  • crap response on the pedal
  • my dad must of spent over £500 pounds on them for repairs in the space of a year
  • the bearings are cheap
  • they flex alot
  • have to send them back to america when in need of repair

if you want a reliable rear hub get one from the hope range like a pro 2 or bulb or if you dont fancy that i suggest a king because they are top notch also.



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