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Rear Wheel For 24seven Holroyd


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Well after having just recently ruined a profile mini cassette hub on my Holroyd, I sent it back to profile and they sorted it for me (thank you for the awesome turn around time guys!!!) I’m getting it back on Friday, but just wondering if anyone has any experience with a 26inch bike using 116mm spacing at the rear, and if the have any hubs that have lasted along time and not broken.

To give you an idea on have long these tend to last, I have had the bike for about 4 months now, I have completely knacked 2 of the standard 24Seven hubs that come with the bike, and I’m now running my 3rd, and as above my profile. So far my profile has lasted the longest, getting close to 2months, but the 24Seven hubs last a month of riding if I’m lucky.

Any hints or products would be nice, although will be giving my profile another chance :D Ohh and I’m currently running a 18/12 ratio (with the 24Seven) and 18/13(with my profile)

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you might want to try an easier gear, 18/12, 18/13 is really quite a hard gear on a stock, its fine on mods because of the smaller wheels. try a ratio of somthing like 18/15, 18/16 you can get a surley cogg that should fit from tartybikes, or see if you can get a shimano dx cog

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I had the same problem with my holroyd my 24 seven hub shreded up so i got a profile. mines lasted 2 n half months before i nearly ate the floor when the freehub decided not to catch. mines being repaired at the moment but im wondering if it will do it again in another couple months. im running a lesser gear at 16t - 12t maybe thats why i got a bit longer than you. first of all i put it down to my weight cos im quite big but if it does it again im gonna sell it and get a chris king.


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Hmm yea i think thats possibly the only way to go, will be interesting to hear about the new Zoo! 26"mod frames with the same 116mm rear spacing, and if they have the same problem

But Chris King BMX's might be the only way to go. Glad to hear im not the only one who has had a problem with the Holroyds though. They have tried to say that was the only one who had problems with their hub, and that it was my fault, cheeky beggers. Still damn nice bike :D

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