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I got diagnosed at 16, things have been a lot happier since then.

I have been to a few places for people with autism, but they were on another level, its good that people are beginning to understand their behavier though, god know what happened to people with autism in the 1800s or so :S

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my bro has autism.he's 12 physically but much younger mentally.yes its true that some people diagnosed with autism do have a gift (my bro can remember scripts off childs movies and also has the ability to see a picture and copy it down with odd accuracy :S )

when i've grown up with my brother it was hard to engage in a conversation or to gauge his personality.as times went by though my brother has developed a shell to the outside world.my mother,sister an i are the only ones who understand him and the way he is.i cant describe his personality but i'd love him to bits no matter what he's affected by.

please bare in mind that people with autism have this condition due to part of their brain not functioning correctly(if i'm not mistaken).the affected are as smart as normal people are its just that for some reason they can use other parts of their brain to the full potential.

also autism has a massive spectrum of different effects to a person.i'm sure that the way my brother acts will be completely different to how another acts.

don't base your knowledge on a film.researchers in movies really don't go into much detail with things like this.even if they get a grammy because the film was good in my opinion they never scratched the surface.

hope some of this helped


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There is a fantastic book on the subject called The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night. It's written from the perspective of someone with Asperger's (I think) so as you might imagine it's quite easy reading, there's no real complex language or anything. So it's a kids book as well as a book for adults. Definitely worth reading.

WOW! this book has been sat of my bookshelf since a couple of christmasees ago, never thought of reading it due to the odd title, never even read the back cover.

Abotu 1/3rd of the way through now, and its amazing! the insights it shows are really eye opening, and help explain a lot of things. i really do feel now that i understand how people with this kind of condition think more, and i think that will help me interact with them if the situation arises. I know every person will be different, but it does give an insight into the way they think.

Its also quite a good story too, cant wait to get reading again!

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not sure if you have it in Sweeden, but in the uk every baby has vaccinations for 3 things (I cant remember what they are for or what the 3 injections are called) but there was a bit of an uproar years ago of parents accusing these injections of giving kids autism...... I have a brother and sister and neither of them had these injections and neither of them have any type of autism, but I did have them and I do have problems, so who knows what heppend there.

It can be passed from parents too I think, my dad was never diagnosed with it (they never knew it existed when he was young I dont think) but I am sure he has it, he is obsessed with wood, the entire house is full of it, I cant get in the bath cos theres wood in there!!!

Another thing I have noticed is that I also seem to have very sensitive taste, I cant eat mints cos they are too hot, so thats all spicy food out.

Also about what trials punk said about the guy and driving, that is very true with aspergers, if everything is going to plan and you know whats going to happen, then your happy as larry, but if somthing goes wrong, instead of thinking ways back on plan, people with aspergers just panic!! Thats why I only learned to drive last year and even now (at 22) I wont drive anywhere I dont really know.

thanks for the help (Y)

also. im on about writing an article about this, need interwiev and more info and stuff. i've already added Ali C, will see if u/he wanna help me?


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my bro has autism.he's 12 physically but much younger mentally.yes its true that some people diagnosed with autism do have a gift (my bro can remember scripts off childs movies and also has the ability to see a picture and copy it down with odd accuracy )

when i've grown up with my brother it was hard to engage in a conversation or to gauge his personality.as times went by though my brother has developed a shell to the outside world.my mother,sister an i are the only ones who understand him and the way he is.i cant describe his personality but i'd love him to bits no matter what he's affected by.

please bare in mind that people with autism have this condition due to part of their brain not functioning correctly(if i'm not mistaken).the affected are as smart as normal people are its just that for some reason they can use other parts of their brain to the full potential.

also autism has a massive spectrum of different effects to a person.i'm sure that the way my brother acts will be completely different to how another acts.

don't base your knowledge on a film.researchers in movies really don't go into much detail with things like this.even if they get a grammy because the film was good in my opinion they never scratched the surface.

hope some of this helped

I found it harder to grow up with my brother, i take it you are older like me? I thought i was pushed to one side whilst my brother was growing up because he constantly needed attention (not that this bothered me because i could get on with my own thing) BUt did you find this aswell? I have also found that that this makes you grow up a lot more quickly. I am only 15 but have a mega obsesion with cars (minis especialy) and own 2 (not saying that this makes me adult like or nowt). i have also been told that i have slight symptoms of aultism, not many but very slughtly. A few years ago i could not go to sleep unless everything was in its designated place and if it wasnt there i could not go to sleep. Now i have got a thing with going places who is there what they are doing and the like its pretty alkward to exsplain so i wont go into it but i also find it very hard to talk (unless its over a pc (A) ) and get my feelings out.

I also agree on the film sniz. the kid in mercuary rising had severe aultism and you rarely meet children with aultism that sevier (sp?) but you cannot base your belives of aultism on this. You need to meet some one with aultism nefore you can start judging and saying what they are like.

On the 24 hour carring joe, the same is with by brother and he will jhave to be cared for all of his life, he will never be able to live on his own have a serious relation ship or hold down a proper job. so when my mum hits the deck i will be looking after him. He could probably live in a bungalow at the end of the garden or some thing so if he did need any help he was only a push of a button away and he could be easily checked up on. Some times sittuations you think they would act strangely about , they dont wihich is very strange. Like my dad has recently left but it does not seem to phase him in the slightest when we thought he would be the one who suffered most, do it is a wierd thing to suffer from but i wouldnt say they are missing out on anything because from what i see of my brother he has as much fun as anyone else does and is probably a lot happier than all of us put together!!


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There was a film with Sigourney Weaver in, who played a character with Autism. I can't remeber what it was called but I really want to see it, if anyone knows what it's called, I'd appreciate it. (Y)

google to the rescue: Snowflake. havent seen it myself, but you reminded me of another film but can't remember what it is now!

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Are people who have autism also likely to have OSD?

Do you mean OCD? As in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? then yes, some people, myself included, can have OCD attached to Autism.

I'm very, VERY mildly autistic - nothing like as serious as Ali - as in, a doctor once suggested it asbergers may have been why I was so anti-social at school and found it hard to talk to people, or in other rather amusing instances, didn't know when to shut up. I get it in very weird ways in that I often have huge difficulties understanding what someone wants (A-Level coursework, don't get me started....) or that I can't always see things from another point of view. I also used to get claustrophobia attacks (ask Prawn for more details on how much fun I am when I'm having a claustrophobic episode...) which were supposed to be a aprt of it but I do't really follow that one (there we go again...)

I do know a couple of people with Autism and downs syndrome (are they related in any way?) so I can generally recognise when someone is autisic.

Other stuff to check out related to Autism would be a Beautiful Mind staring Russel Crowe and Jennifer Connolley, and the book The Ninth Life Of Louis Drax.


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A former classmate of mine has Aspberger's.. For 2 years, he sat in a corner during lessons and never said a word. In year 3 he went completely psycho, stalked people and shouted out inappropriate shit randomly. He was VERY scary but also very funny.

But there were a fair few more autistic lads and lasses at my college, where this happened, and they seemed fine, just a bit quiet...

I have aspergers syndrome, only mildly though, most people I meet dont know I have it. I used to be very quiet, a recluse at school (only went to high school for 2 years)

I found it pretty hard to make friends, especially at high school and I couldnt ask a stranger anything (like asking a waiter for a drink, or asking someone directions somwhere, even if I wanted somthing REALLY badly I couldnt cope with going and asking for it). I find working life hard, I have never had a proper job and I cant imagine me ever having one if I am honest, I just cant cope.

even now I never go out in the evenings, I cant cope with going to the pup or nightclub, so I sit in and watch tv or go on the computer every night. Also one reason I have never had a girlfriend, not going out and meeting them plus I dont really understand complex friendships like that.

I used to be really obsessive about wildlife, I could have told you a fact about nearly every animal, but that was years ago and now my obsession is bikes. I dont have any friends outside biking.

I am a lot better now, years ago I would never had dared get on the bus and go to the next town, but now I can fly across the world (with a lot of pre planning help from parents)

just thought you might like to know what aspergers was like from someone who has it.

I also have asbergers syndrome, And funny you mention that Ali because the time i met you in sheffield you dident really smile or really talk much and they are both related too asbergers.

I also dont have it very bad, i socialise and things like that.

My brother has it quite bad and doesent really socialise, he went through school being bullied and never had any friends. With asbergers syndrome it doesent mean that your thick, your learning capability is the same if not better than a normal child. People with Asbergers often have a fetish for collecting things and doing things that you do everyday, like wearing socks, Collecting used batteries.

People with asbergers normally are facinated by certain things that usually people dont really take any notice of, plug sockets, washing machines. Too what Janson said, People with asbergers are normally very quiet and sort of stay out the way, unless you really wind them up, my brother used too have screaming fits, so bad that his face was blue and green with bruising, Really uncontrolable.

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I also have asbergers syndrome, And funny you mention that Ali because the time i met you in sheffield you dident really smile or really talk much and they are both related too asbergers.

I also dont have it very bad, i socialise and things like that.

My brother has it quite bad and doesent really socialise, he went through school being bullied and never had any friends. With asbergers syndrome it doesent mean that your thick, your learning capability is the same if not better than a normal child. People with Asbergers often have a fetish for collecting things and doing things that you do everyday, like wearing socks, Collecting used batteries.

People with asbergers normally are facinated by certain things that usually people dont really take any notice of, plug sockets, washing machines. Too what Janson said, People with asbergers are normally very quiet and sort of stay out the way, unless you really wind them up, my brother used too have screaming fits, so bad that his face was blue and green with bruising, Really uncontrolable.

Howcome your bro can drive fine? :blink:

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I work At a college that specializes in learning difficulties,

A lot of the students i work with have varying degrees of autism, Autism is a condition which retards the social aspect of the person(s) life. What i mean by this is that if you were to take someone with autism out to a club they would sit on the outside of a group observing, taking in every detail of their surroundings. Where as someone without autism would join in with the group socializing and building relationships. People with autism can not make assumptions and take a very long time to proccess information. People with autism could walk into a room of crowded people and notice the pattern on the carpet, colour of the curtains or style of the chairs before noticing the people because they don't see the people being any more important than any thing else in the room. Where autism differs from asperges is that people suffering with Autism don't have the social awareness to feel embarrased or self conscious, where as asperges is the exact opposite people have a really low self image there confidence in social settings is extremely low and they can quite often feel depressed.

I had a training course on Autism today taught by a lady who had Autism, she said something that really stuck in my head 'When i was younger there used to be a group of boys who would follow me around calling me a spastic, this used to horrify my carers but it didn't bother me i had no concept of of the social heirachy! bullies only operate by trying to make themselves feel better than there victim, the problems were caused by the carers.' She then went on to say that she didn't like the boys because there jumpers were not the right colour.

Sorry it's a bit long winded but it's a complex condition to describe.

Cheers Steve

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A lot of the students i work with have varying degrees of autism, Autism is a condition which retards the social aspect of the person(s) life. What i mean by this is that if you were to take someone with autism out to a club they would sit on the outside of a group observing, taking in every detail of their surroundings. Where as someone without autism would join in with the group socializing and building relationships. People with autism can not make assumptions and take a very long time to proccess information. People with autism could walk into a room of crowded people and notice the pattern on the carpet, colour of the curtains or style of the chairs before noticing the people because they don't see the people being any more important than any thing else in the room. Where autism differs from asperges is that people suffering with Autism don't have the social awareness to feel embarrased or self conscious, where as asperges is the exact opposite people have a really low self image there confidence in social settings is extremely low and they can quite often feel depressed.

Yes! thats pretty much spot on to how i would describe people with aultism and their veiws towards other people they have never met before, people like parents brotheres sisters relations teachers ect are treated a little diffrently but not much. My brother does not have anyproblem mixxing with people, he could walk up to a complete stranger in the street and start talking TO them, they wouldnt care if they were listning to him but he would be more than happy to talk to them. Another thing i wish i had is the way he says what he feels, "wow your ugly!" "yeh shut up not your borring me" and the like, he is also learning to swear which is pretty hillarious to say the least, the way he does it has me in fits.

I had a training course on Autism today taught by a lady who had Autism, she said something that really stuck in my head 'When i was younger there used to be a group of boys who would follow me around calling me a spastic, this used to horrify my carers but it didn't bother me i had no concept of of the social heirachy! bullies only operate by trying to make themselves feel better than there victim, the problems were caused by the carers.' She then went on to say that she didn't like the boys because there jumpers were not the right colour.

This is one thing i have NEVER stood for and NEVER will, i have had a full on brawl with many random people over sly comments passed. one was with his bus driver that drove him to school when he said " christ ive wanted to hit that retard a fair few times over th last week" To which he recived a fist through the cab window then followed kindly by my dad. he was son after fiered and had some form of banning order put on him. Also get a few from local old men ect to which i tell them if they were 50 years younger they would be dead and another one was with a smug twat on the motor way who wrote "wheres the crayon munchers cage" on a peice of paper and held it up to the window to which he recived a few stamps and kicks on the hard shoulder of the M25.

My brother also has OCD which i have also had aswell for about 2-3 years but i have met quite a few people with this. i think they show OCD in "As good as it gets" pretty well. I also find that if can strongly effect your personal life by constantly having to have some thing in a certain place or having to walk up and down the stairs every other 10 minutes (you might be laughing but i used to have to do it).


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Brother has just found out he has ocd and autism.

At the moment hes going through a spate of buying expensive pens, like £100+ a time and he has about 7 of them!

In a month or so he will forget about them and go onto something else.

Is really weird.

He used to be obsessed with insects in the same way ali was about wildlife. hes never had a girlfriend (only 15 mind) and he likes to keep himself to himself. very rarely does he go out apart from school or if he really has to and doesnt really have any mates.

Hes coping the best way he can with it at the moment (self harming) but with hes recieving help etc.

Feel bad for saying all that but ahwell, atleast it's off the old chest

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How long have you known about this si? usualy with aultism its picked up within a few months of them being born?

To lighten the subject up do you remeber when you made me cry (of laughter) when you was talking to me about a old lady chocking on a pea? not sure if you can remeber? Hows Abbi was it ? how is she and how the bmx going? havent spoke to you for ages.


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Only just found out about it this week.

since about christmas we noticed a change in his behaviour, and over the past few months hes got worse.

Thinking back over the years we can see traces of it in him but thought nothing of it. He only got tested because he sort of went abit mad and they found out he had traces of ocdand autism. isnt good.

My mum wants me to go see a head shrink because she thinks im not right in the head now lol, ive know that for a while now lol

Hahahahahaha that was piss funny!!!!! Abby is now going out with best mate (lawnmowerman on here) and ive prety much given up bmxing aswell lol. PM me your msn, i think i deleted you lol. only one i got is sheep_skin_rugs...

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I guess with these sorts of conditions (inc. downs syndrome) its hard for people who have never heard of or understood it, how to act with people. I've known a lot of people who dum themselves down so they're talking like kids to them but I really don't agree with it. Obviously Im not talking about people like Ali because he's always seemed fine to me, but there was a woman at morrisons I used to work with who had down's who was 40 something. She wasn't badly affected but it was noticable. I always used to talk to her like a normal person because...well....she is, she'd have to read the newspaper out aloud and repeat things she'd already said but in all honesty I do that :$

Sorry that technically OT I cant contribute to the subject because ive yet to meet someone with autism

Oh and that other film someone mentioned. It was a kid with autism who managed to decipher a government encryption code and the government were after him because of it and (i think) Bruce Willis had to protect him

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How long have you known about this si? usualy with aultism its picked up within a few months of them being born?

To lighten the subject up do you remeber when you made me cry (of laughter) when you was talking to me about a old lady chocking on a pea? not sure if you can remeber? Hows Abbi was it ? how is she and how the bmx going? havent spoke to you for ages.


oh jay? tut tut. ill PM you my addy mate!

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lol, I was in a club in singapore, everyone was bothered about all the women, drinking and dancing going on but all I was interested in was the lights and smoke :-

I feel compelled to say I have a lot of respect for you having read all your posts etc (Y)

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cheers :)

The other thing about that instance in the club was that because I was just sitting there looking at the lights and smoke people thought I was unhappy and kept on asking me to dance, but I was pretty happy just staring at the pretty lights.

Ther is another kid near me who has aspergers and was into dh, he is now into trials and we sometimes go riding.

he has it a little bit more than me, so he can say some funny things, but I have loads of patience for him and I can relate to how he feels with school and life in general.

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Other stuff to check out related to Autism would be a Beautiful Mind staring Russel Crowe and Jennifer Connolley
That's Schizophrenia, not autism, right?

On a completely different note, I did not know that Autism/Asperger's was this common - It seems like most people here know someone with it, or have at least met someone.

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