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I was just woundering what people knew about aultism and that, I used to think that it was a pretty uncomon thing as my brother had it and i always thought it would be hard to introduce him to friends and the like but i think a lot more people are becoming aware of this condition evry day. I would just like to know about your exsperiances of aultism and what you think of it as i think i will be pretty suprised as to how many people are aware of the condition.

I have a brother with aultism, he is 13 this year and absoloutley every one who has meet him has loved him. He doesnt aultism to bad but his comunication skils are poo and he also suffers from ADHD some forms of asberges and the like but he is getting better.

Just thought i would like to bring this up because i have been woundering what peoples veiws were like on the subject and thought that this would be the best way to find out.


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I was just woundering what people knew about aultism and that, I used to think that it was a pretty uncomon thing as my brother had it and i always thought it would be hard to introduce him to friends and the like but i think a lot more people are becoming aware of this condition evry day. I would just like to know about your exsperiances of aultism and what you think of it as i think i will be pretty suprised as to how many people are aware of the condition.

I have a brother with aultism, he is 13 this year and absoloutley every one who has meet him has loved him. He doesnt aultism to bad but his comunication skils are poo and he also suffers from ADHD some forms of asberges and the like but he is getting better.

Just thought i would like to bring this up because i have been woundering what peoples veiws were like on the subject and thought that this would be the best way to find out.


im quite awar of some of the facts as it were about autism as my mum works at a school and helps the children with disabilities so she regurlay explains things to me which do help me.

one thing thats true is in general autistic people are more clever than us "normal" people if i can put it that way?

the amount of information they can take in and remember by studying is far greater than me or most other people.

the problem with society is most people dnt understand autism and so are scared when they meat autistic people.

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A former classmate of mine has Aspberger's.. For 2 years, he sat in a corner during lessons and never said a word. In year 3 he went completely psycho, stalked people and shouted out inappropriate shit randomly. He was VERY scary but also very funny.

But there were a fair few more autistic lads and lasses at my college, where this happened, and they seemed fine, just a bit quiet...

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doesnt aultism mean you just find it harder to learn and fall behind in classes?

they can fall behind in classes yeah but generally when they are interested in things they like for example eastenders, they would be able to tell you absolutely everything about it. well from what i was told most autistic people are like that some are different as you can get mild autsim etc.

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no aultism isnt the lads and lasses that fall behind in class, this is part of aulism but this is part of ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which strongly effects the attntion and concen tration of kids, there is another name for it but io forget what its called.

Yes its true aultistc kids are brainy fecks but they have a very short concentration span and they cannot comunicate what they feel, think or want. My brother can dray the british iles spot on free hand, could take you from spain to australia via back streets ect. My brother has a thing with numbers, combinations and locations.

Aspberger kids are a bit diffrent but still very coll if you give them a chance. there is one at my brothers school who doesnt speak and grits his teeth when he breeths non stop and he is a legend. You really do have to give these kids a chance, give them a chance and they arent what you expect at all!! alot of people class them as 'tards and just riddicule which i tihnk is a bit harsh. I tihnk its because they are scared of them or some thing. Downsyndrome kids are very heavy handed but are still loverly people to know.


Quick edit:

Yeh aultistic kids are usually facinated by certain subject like my brother is obsesed with Futurama and simpsons etc, he could read you word for word each episode and also tell you what episode, series and episode just by telling him the number of the episode.

Aultism ranges from mild to serious to very bad. Very bad casses they cant talk dont do nothing all day to very mild where they could easily comunicate but just chose not to now and again. My brother is in the middle, when he was younger we thought he was going to have very serious aultism but he is learning to get on with it now.

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Ive had a bit of experience with this kinda thing, but not as much as i might like. My ex used to work with disabled kids, especially autistic and asperges syndrome ect. It was amazing to watch her with them, she just seems to be able to comunicate with them better than anyone else i know.

Anoyingly i can feel uncomfortable around people with autism and similar, i know this is my fault but i don't know if theres anything i can do about. unless you really get involved, or know someone with it personally its hard to know how to react and what to do. I see other people do the same kinda thing to me when they find out im epileptic, they imediately jump to conclusions.

Its a shame there quality of life isnt always as good as our own, as they are fantasic people. They show what the human brain is capable of, and i imagine if we stick around long enough as a race, we will be socially intelligent and stupidly inteligent liek they are too.

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can we have a thread about dyslexia now please?

i was kind of under the impression that one of the symptoms of autism was an inability to empathise with other people - which leads to the sufferer being kinda withdrawn and having difficulty forming close relationships.

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There is a fantastic book on the subject called The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night. It's written from the perspective of someone with Asperger's (I think) so as you might imagine it's quite easy reading, there's no real complex language or anything. So it's a kids book as well as a book for adults. Definitely worth reading.

People with Autism are very rarely like Rainman at all - severe autism leads to severe learning difficulties. But it's a scale, and at one end is 'normal', at the other end severe autism. I believe Asperger's is somewhere in the middle. Some people who are just pretty normal people, good at maths or something are probably slightly further along the scale (closer to autism) than most. So it all depends on how badly you are affected.

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The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night was writen by a 13 year old boy with aultism who was told he was stupid, he told his parents who said of course you are not and suggested that he wrote a bookwhich gave himself some self confidance to assure him he is not stupid.

Ditto on the rainman, some things he does can relate to aultism but then again other things he did a aultistic person would never do. Tomm's pretty much on the right tracks here.

where did you find out about this tomm?


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My cousin has some form of autism. Shes now 24... and she is cared for 24 hours a day.

She preetty much still acts like a baby. Odd thing being her twin brother..is fine.

Its really sad when i see her :( but when i do get the chance i do like seeing her. Makes me realise how lucky i am :)

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I have aspergers syndrome, only mildly though, most people I meet dont know I have it. I used to be very quiet, a recluse at school (only went to high school for 2 years)

I found it pretty hard to make friends, especially at high school and I couldnt ask a stranger anything (like asking a waiter for a drink, or asking someone directions somwhere, even if I wanted somthing REALLY badly I couldnt cope with going and asking for it). I find working life hard, I have never had a proper job and I cant imagine me ever having one if I am honest, I just cant cope.

even now I never go out in the evenings, I cant cope with going to the pup or nightclub, so I sit in and watch tv or go on the computer every night. Also one reason I have never had a girlfriend, not going out and meeting them plus I dont really understand complex friendships like that.

I used to be really obsessive about wildlife, I could have told you a fact about nearly every animal, but that was years ago and now my obsession is bikes. I dont have any friends outside biking.

I am a lot better now, years ago I would never had dared get on the bus and go to the next town, but now I can fly across the world (with a lot of pre planning help from parents)

just thought you might like to know what aspergers was like from someone who has it.

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i think its case dependant, had/have a work experience lad at work(finished his course at college about 6 years ago, still comes one day a week every week). aparently when he was like 15-16, he was the same nevr even spoke to his next door neighbour, had problems whenever someone came into his house unless he knew them well. but speaking to him now, apart from the fact after a few minutes you can tell hes mentally undeveloped in many areas. you wouldnt know hes got any communication issues. dont think hell ever hold down a full time job, purely because of the thought processes he has to go through to do anything,his short attention span,and problems with logical thinking(the lad can drive perfectly safely, but could never have him on the roads, because when we miss a turn, we either think of an alternative route, or turn around at the next available option, with him, because of the way his mind works, he doesnt work that way and would simply go to pieces)

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If any of you have watched the film called Mercury Rising with bruce willis you'll know basically what autism is. The kid in that had problems with associating with things and other people, but was so smart he cracked a government encryption program, willis finds him after the kids rents were murdered to keep the code safe and willis has to protect him and re-veal the code encryption or something like that so no-ones after the kid anymore.

Really good film, worth watching.

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is there someone who can give more information about this? :S

is it something u are born with? or does it just start when u become older?


not sure if you have it in Sweeden, but in the uk every baby has vaccinations for 3 things (I cant remember what they are for or what the 3 injections are called) but there was a bit of an uproar years ago of parents accusing these injections of giving kids autism...... I have a brother and sister and neither of them had these injections and neither of them have any type of autism, but I did have them and I do have problems, so who knows what heppend there.

It can be passed from parents too I think, my dad was never diagnosed with it (they never knew it existed when he was young I dont think) but I am sure he has it, he is obsessed with wood, the entire house is full of it, I cant get in the bath cos theres wood in there!!!

Another thing I have noticed is that I also seem to have very sensitive taste, I cant eat mints cos they are too hot, so thats all spicy food out.

Also about what trials punk said about the guy and driving, that is very true with aspergers, if everything is going to plan and you know whats going to happen, then your happy as larry, but if somthing goes wrong, instead of thinking ways back on plan, people with aspergers just panic!! Thats why I only learned to drive last year and even now (at 22) I wont drive anywhere I dont really know.

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not sure if you have it in Sweeden, but in the uk every baby has vaccinations for 3 things (I cant remember what they are for or what the 3 injections are called) but there was a bit of an uproar years ago of parents accusing these injections of giving kids autism...... I have a brother and sister and neither of them had these injections and neither of them have any type of autism, but I did have them and I do have problems, so who knows what heppend there.

The MMR jab (measels,mumps and rhubella) but again its all just inconclusive, lad at work has 2 brothers,neither of whom have it, he has it, none had the mmr jab, got a girl i vaguely know my age, had the mmr jab(same as me) shes fine, her little brother didnt have the jab, an has quite serious autism(hell never be able to attend any mainstream school,is 12 and still has problems with day to day tasks).

wouldnt like to say that the MMR jab causes autism, and wouldnt like to say it doesnt, but theres far more to it than that, if anyone wants to read more. autism - wikipedia is a good place to starts

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My physics teacher has it and because he has it he's really into physics and 8is probs one of the best teachers to have he won't stop teaching it until we all understand although his behavoir is slightly erratic like if you piss him off he won't just ask you to leave he'll tell you to f**k off

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where did you find out about this tomm?

I'm a medical student so I know bits from that, but mostly because a few years ago I worked for a summer school for children with Autism and Down Syndrome (And maybe some other conditions - I can't remember). It was really interesting and all the kids were really cool. Also there are certain times when I feel a bit of an affinity for people with mild autism - short attention span but very good memory for details. I just think the mind is really interesting, how people can be so different.

is there someone who can give more information about this? :S

is it something u are born with? or does it just start when u become older?


Most people are born with it, but sometimes it doesn't get diagnosed until you to school or something. If it's mild then maybe not till much later.

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