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Daddy Long Legs. What Their Proper Name?/


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They are ace!!!

Was getting pissed people last night to touch it when its on hahaha!

Chased some f**k off albatross of a fly round the house with it aswell lol

holy fook!!!!

I Want One Of Them!!!

where do you get them from? and how much?

daddy long legs are c**ts.... specially if you got an up lighter. if they fly in it they burn and smell of singed hair.... yummmmmm

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put glue on a spoon ten catch the daddy longlegs and stick it to the spoon (just by its legs iff possible lol) then get a lighter and heat the spoon up till it cooks :twisted: works with any insect actually spiders are best though cause you dont have to stick them down and you can watch them dance around as the spoon gets hotter and they eventually die and stick to it anyways :S

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I think theres so many of them this year because there havn't been that many wasps. I think wasps eat the larvae (or something like that) so if theres not enough wasps to keep them back then there's loads of them. As to torture, I think thats a bit cruel so I like to help keep the natural balance going so it's fun to catch them by the wing and throw them into a spider's web and the watch the spider go crazy with glee.

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^^ wasn't that once inside the Tate gallery?

I haven't seen a daddy long leg fly for ages now. It's just mosquitos, thousands of them. I play deathmatches with them, haven't lost yet.

Got one disgusting animal in my room and it's a big spider with long thin legs. It always runs from the sofa to the TV roughly at midnight and always scares the shit out of me :ermm:

one of these, they're f**king awful :unsure:

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yea, aparently many house hold spiders have venom that would seriously harm us, but they got no way of injecting it.

my only question is, dont we eat an average of 8 spiders a year, my only guess is our stomach acids ruin the venom, or it passes straight through us as it aint in our blood stream. (altho most other poisons are dangerous by ingestion).

on a similar note, my cat eats daddy long legs, in the time ive spent with him today, which is probably under an hour, ive seen him eat 4. surely being on a 40 a day habit like this cant be healthy for him(considering hes a wee bit smaller than most humans)

The whole eating spiders thing is a myth, it was propagated around the internet a few years ago as a demonstration of the two-edged source of information that is the internet. Good allegory for not believing all that you read!


British spiders can at worst deliver a bite considering less harmful than a bee or wasp sting, even tarantulas and larger spiders rarely cause lasting damage, although if you've seen the size of a tarantula's fangs you can appreciate where a lot of the pain comes from...

Another nice little myth; crane flies producing poison. It's kinda true, but basically rubbish. As with most insects they produce in infitesimally small quantities a very strong corrosive chemical that shapes their exoskeletons, whilst very nasty in large quantities you could eat crane flies all day and not feel even sick, if you so chose. On a side note, humans produce a very similar chemical for shaping bone :)


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In my bathroom we always get thin legged spiders. They arent daddy long legs but they arent the usual chunky thick legged black spiders. There's one in my room at the minute above my PC and he's horrible, even though hes really skinny. ergh i cant believe im even talking about spiders. Giving me the shivers lol.

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any suggestion of fun ways of killing them (beyond crushig them/pulling off thier legs)? i got bored of setting fire to them, or gassing them out with deoderant :(


The spiders go nuts and if you find a smallish spider they have a proper battle. And the big spiders wrap 'em up sooooo frickin fast. Me and my mate spent the best part of an hour doing it yesterday hahaha

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Disable the craneflies wings, put it on a turntable (Technics 1210 works best), well actually on the vinyl to be precise. Load needle onto start of record, listen to music as the needle creeps towards said disabled bug.

You get great music and great tension build up as the needle creeps its way round the record, you get a nice sound when the needle hits too, all amplified so you can hear every detail.


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I invented a game with them though boredom and too much time on my hands. It's a bit like boxing but you play against them.

Basically when you find one make sure they are looking at you so they stand a chance, and you have to try and flick them to knock them out, if your first shot doesn't kill/knock them out then you have to follow it and keep flicking it until it does. When you do go to flick it though you can't do it against a wall so it crushes it, you have to do it side on.

You have to try and win with the least amount of flicks possible, and every time it flies into or touches you, you add a point onto your score.

I did find it pretty fun at the time, but i was pretty bored and had time to kill.

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