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What Were You Arrested For?


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"Nathan was arrested for accidentally killing a homeless man with a bag of canned cat food!"

"Nathan was arrested for refusing to accept his draft on account of his Black Muslim beliefs."

"When Nathan was arrested for possession of marijuana"

or my nickname (surname)

"Barber was arrested for Robbery in the Third Degree"

"Barber was arrested for drunk driving"

"barber was arrested for cutting someone's hair"

"Barber was arrested for stealing flowers from the grave of a recently buried person"

Some of mine are mint...especially my first!

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"In 1997, shortly after his return to Nashua, Liam was arrested for domestic violence"

"Liam was arrested on Wednesday (Nov. 4) outside of a London pub after he allegedly damaged a photographer's camera "

"Liam gets arrested and calls the policeman "cuntybollocks".

L M F A O! :lol: cunty bollocks! lol :D

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Nick was arrested for resisting an officer in January 2002

Nick was arrested for conducting a lottery and possession of gambling supplies. It was to be the first in a long line of gambling-related arrests.

Nick was arrested for trying to break in to a person's house.

Nick was arrested for drug sales and landed in a cell across from Larry

Nick was arrested for perverting the course of music

Nick was arrested for 'failing to move on' after an incident outside a club last January

Nick was arrested for possession of 10 grams of cocaine at a party at his home

Nick was arrested for shoplifting and placed on probation.


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I know its been posted but theres too many sam's on the forum and its funny:

Sam, a student at Balliol College, was arrested and detained after he "verbally abused a police horse."

Sam was arrested for possession of marijuana

Sam was arrested for murder

Sam was arrested because they were under the impression that she was a missing person, but was released an hour later when it was found that this wasn't true.

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