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Read the guidelines -For Sale Forum


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Before i continue, i just want to say i understand why i cannot post in the For Sale/Wanted Forum (being a non-member)

i think the idea of having to 'prove yourself' for your accptence is a good one, as it prevents spamming and ensures that only people actually interested in trials posts on the forum

but i think non members not being allowed on a For Sale board is not brilliant, because take me for example, i am new to trials and do not have a bike, but i cannot post in the For Sale/Wanted section on the site, so am finding it very hard to get a bike and start trials.

just saying :)

and <snip>

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If new members could post In ForSale/Wanted, then they'll basically have the whole forum in NMC. :huh:

We need some sort of reason to get validated.

And seriously, it's not hard to spell properly, and take care when posting. :rolleyes:

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