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well done mate! im only 13 and havent done many trials drops but some big drop offs dirt jumping. i could only do lil ones till sum 1 paid me to do a 10-15 footer. not how it shudda been done but it got my confidence up. keep trying and then ull be dropping off your roof. come to koxx days next year me n a few metes are going , ull be doing things you thought you never would just like we do at dirt jump jams. See you there!!

bout the getting drunk, i bet you lot did that when you were our age

its really funny until you jump off a van... :P

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I hade no fear the other day when i was on my bike until i got up on my back wheel and knew i wasant going to make it >_< but i went for it :huh: then came down with a bang CRACKED HEAD here is a photo unfortunley i dident get any videos of it :angry: but never mide!!!

anyway i tryed to trials hop down the stairs (three steps) and hit the last 1 and fell back and cracked my head open on the step

IPB Image

Edited by Craig_Walker
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  Craig_Walker said:

I hade no fear the other day when i was on my bike until i got up on my back wheel and knew i wasant going to make it >_< but i went for it :huh: then came down with a bang CRACKED HEAD here is a photo unfortunley i dident get any videos of it :angry: but never mide!!!

anyway i tryed to trials hop down the stairs (three steps) and hit the last 1 and fell back and cracked my head open on the step

IPB Image

oh and if you want to see the picture, because it doesnt come up on trials forum for some reason, add me on msn bernupnotdown@hotmail.co.uk and ill give the picutre to you but be preperd :sick:

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  ash-kennard said:

yeah but, at least you were trying, and you will make it next time. anyways, how come you wrrent wearing a helmet? they inspire you with confidence no-end.

i rgret not wering a helmet but i cant wait to get one now but some people asay they look stupid in hemets but i dont know what ill look like

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