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The Winters Coming So...

Brian Bleech

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Kinda a random topic this but…

On the train home last night I started thinking that even though the September sun and mini tornados are trying to trick us that summer is still here, the fact that it is getting dark eight means winter is drawing in fast.

I also got thinking that even though last nights ride was good fun, no major moves went down. I did notice that mine (and everyone else’s) standard has risen and everyone was hitting moves consistently higher/etc than we were a few months ago, which is nice.

I ended up really looking forward to this winter of riding, it’s generally quieter and you get less hassle. Ok yeah it’s colder and wetter, but we will get to that later! I have got a few aims for the winter too I really wanna get hooks dialled on vert walls and work on my smoothness (keep off the brakes!!!), plus got some tech tricks I wanna get dialled too and have seen some interesting lines I wanna try in Leeds and Kenny has seen the most ridiculous kicker to rail.

As for the cold and wet, well just wear more in the cold and as for the wet, I am getting a BMX :D and I work about 5mins away from the works skatepark w00t so the wet evenings and weekends will be spent in there, which better than being stuck in front of the tele playing pro evo (possibly :turned: ) and hopefully I might end up being able to pull a decent manual and it might make my ball bigger and most of all it will be fun!!! So really lookin forward to that too!

So yeah, what does this ramble mean and have I got a point. Well yeah kinda … I was just wondering everyone else was thinking about the winter? Are you looking forward to it? How are you riding at the moment? Are you happy with it? Do you have any aims? Just peoples general thoughts and feelings on the months ahead.

This topic might die on its ass, but nevermind I am happy!

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nice topic.

well i hope my winter is better than my summer, for tha past 4 months my doctor has told me to stop all sports (mainly 3 i do ice hockey football and trials of course) i was told this because i had a viral fatigue which could take up to two years to get better (means im always out of energy eg i went shopping for half an hour came home slept for 4). i only recently this year got back into biking so im learning new things again, thanks to duffus and thruston who have constantly been patient with me and pusing me.

now the uni is starting i will be moving to aberdeen not knowing many faces apart from ben travis towler and greg mainly i hope they will push me a lot also as i do need it. im hoping to work on me height mainly and start rail gaps or other gaps for that matter as i dnt generally have the balls for them at the moment. sidehops are the other thing too, i once apon a time could side hope 5 pallets on my t-master( not big compared to some of you but was my biggest) now i can barely get 4 as my technique has gone all to pot.

uni life to be honest scares me, not many people in my family have done it apart from a few cousins (all girls i might add) so im not to sure what to think of it especially with this "illness" i have. i hope i get on with people as i can be quite shy although ben and towler keep reasuring me it will be fine :)

i do quite like the winter at night apart from when its really really wet, i cant wait to have my gf come through and visit me to take walks etc (im not gay but i enjoy walking as i have been told to do it a lot by the doctor to help me) im not to sure where im going with this but i havent had the best of years but also havent had the worst im sure but all i hope is it gets better and i enjoy it. :)

also ill send your money soon just real busy with uni thins :)

Edited by Synergy
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All I think of with winter is how f**king awesome it is to ride when the sun comes out ... its cold and warm at the same time - perfect for riding... plus when there are no leaves on the tree and everything is really bare and everyone else is walking round in wooly hats and big coats, its really fun to be out riding in shorts and a tee - those are the days i love the best.

riding wise - im getting back there again with my own stuff(actually started getting front wheel gaps abit better after a ride with rich pearson and Greg in Trowbridge the other day), Im looking foward to the new uni guys to help get me out and push on. Ive going to start filming again in a week or so (week off), and ive dreamed up a new move / line to do so Ive got summut to keep me busy.

My "new" bike rocks my world so all in all Im pretty happy about winter and things ...


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Brakes freezing W00t.

There'll be around 25 topics in NMC asking why they're brakes are freezing, and saying that Maguras are shit.

Snow videos.


I'll still ride, when I can be bothered. I don't really like riding in winter, it's too cold, and doesn't put me in the right mood.

I've noticed myself improve over summer though, I just got a 'boost' kinda thing. Just improved on everything. :blink:

Which is nice.

Nice topic.

Can't think of much else to say, so i'll leave it at that. (Y)

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Nice topic... I do prefer summer to be honest mainly because its hot and loverly and you can go swim in lakes and stuff haha. but on the other hand cold winer days riding are somtimes the best someone pulls some massive line gets everyone hyped, starting early if you can be arsed and going in ealry getting the best of the light. When it rains we got myspace and trials-forum and waiting for the next sick winer vid to come out. And are girls to cuddle up to :P.

Dan :):rolleyes: .


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I'm kinda hoping I'll get back on (either) bike before the bad weather really kicks off so I can get some riding in before more important events take over. I'm really quite looking forward to some trials over winter - I've got a new frame I haven't ridden yet for one thing and the bmx kinda took over this summer so i've really been missing the bouncybouncy business -

The only thing is that i dont know how often i'll be able to (or even want to) drag myself away from the bubby to go ride.

we'll see. i dont care either way - this ought to be the best winter ever whether im riding or not.

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Im looking forward to you coming up here mike :D just like every other winter :P

Should be cool :)

Im looking farward to riding in the cold for some reason, and even when its ABIT slippy... cause i like a BIG challenge... Not a BIG challenge asin gitting up a mahoosive rock, but more of a challenge of getting over something technical n stuff...

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Il try and get out on the trials rig a bit but been told by my county hockey coach that i need to get fit so iv joined the gym and "borrowed" my dads xc rig iv just got back from an hour blast on that really enjoyed it so much so i'm doing the viking challenge carnt wait 50k of thick deep mud. But last winter the trials rig was broken and i didn't see the point fixing it up for a very rare ride so when i came back to ride in the summer i was crap so i'm gonna try and get out in beetween hockey and getting "fit".

O and great topic.

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Think about it this way - you have rain in the winter and sometimes snow (unless it's a very bad winter) whereas in Norway people have temperatures reaching -30 and only about 2 hours of sunshine during the day. It's still europe though, and people do cope with it ;) Over here the winter is just so bad that there's no way you can ride without a bike's weight of clothes, and loads of hot tea to drink. I remember last year a funny sensation in my nose which turned out to be the hairs freezing. It was so cold you couldn't breathe with your nose. Now that sucks.

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Nice topic (Y)

I really don't like the thought of winter:rain, little sunshine, cold etc. but i do have to agree with what alot of people have said. When the sun's out, the riding's great. Something about not being able to ride much when it's winter, then when the sun is out, all this time you haven't rode properly and woooo you can :) . It's also more of a challenge when it's wet due to less grip on certain surfaces, so hopefully after winter my overall balance will have improved. I'm looking forward to riding in winter, and also having a sheltered place to ride :-:D

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Think about it this way - you have rain in the winter and sometimes snow (unless it's a very bad winter) whereas in Norway people have temperatures reaching -30 and only about 2 hours of sunshine during the day. It's still europe though, and people do cope with it ;) Over here the winter is just so bad that there's no way you can ride without a bike's weight of clothes, and loads of hot tea to drink. I remember last year a funny sensation in my nose which turned out to be the hairs freezing. It was so cold you couldn't breathe with your nose. Now that sucks.

Get that here to when I worked in the freezer at work lol.

Winters ace for riding, I think its the orange glow of the street lights that does it for me.

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:P I think im looking forward to winter more than you all, you think you summer was crap...you should of seen mine. I broke my leg, 4 months ago...still in plaster, get it out on the 25th september, gotta wait 6 weeks before i can ride again, that'll be then beginning of novmeber. By then, it'll be awesomely cold, and wet, and i need some brake pads that will work.


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Canada's a fun place ! just do like me and a friend did, build up a huge snow box and ride on it (Y) loads of fun, and it adds more challenge as it's quite slippy if you get me ! :rolleyes:

Personnaly I don't care too much about winter, I just get out on my bike or I go to my father's farm and have fun on some palets :) My main aims are to do a 6palets sidehop, and get some front to back dialed on small thing, around handrail size B)

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Riding in summer is good and that, 'cos you improve quite a bit, but all of a sudden i get a riding boost towards winter.

I just ride what i can while i can in winter, just rails tend to be more off limit, then when they become available again, your shite on them >_<

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I'm should be getting my 24" in about 5 weeks-ish, and me and Broomer have decided that every evening after college/school we're both just gunna go out on our bikes, whatever the weather, whatever the temperature, whatever the lights like. If its dark, u get used to it, or find street lighting, if its cold where more cloths, if its raining just stick to grippy surfaces and get wet!. (well this is all assuming its not just plain dangerous, and we don't have college work to do. So unless the hells have opened up or my maths teachers been a tit, I'm gunna be out there on my bike. :D . But I wanna get crankflips and 360s dialed before the winter sets in properly.

As for the times when its just gunna be plain dangerous to ride, hey, I might have a girlfriend by then :- .

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missus moves away to edinburger uni this week (altogether now ----- awwwwwwwww), and i start 4th year (final year aka dissertation (altogher now ----- unluckaaaaayyy). so i might not have an amazing amount of time for riding. :( which sucks BUT i can say that this winter i hope to learn some new shit. got a few lines that i havent even told closest riding buddies about. and cant wait to try them

i love winter, going out in the snow / rain / cold evenings improves your riding no-end. GET ON SOME ROCKS :D

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Winter riding defiantly has its plus sides, I really like it :) Being back at uni for the wintermonths, gives me the oppurtunity to ride totally different places to what there is at home, with different people.

Cant beat a good old winters night ride :-

Your man in your avatar is going to the beat of my music :lol: .

Anyway winter is probably better for actual riding because its not so hot so it'll be possible to ride in the day and and you wear jumpers so its more protection so your not so scared of falling off.

Aslong as its not wet im allright the cold doesnt bother me much.

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