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Which Freewheel?


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well, i would suggest a white indutry but thre quite a high pried freewheel,or even a tensile, but if you are lookin for a low priced freewheel i would suggest a "ACS claw" there good for the money, ive had about 2 or 3 of them, but you always have to keep tighting it! :((Y)

Edited by matt!
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iv had 2 acs claws and they seem to realy last with me when i get them i take them apart and grease them with carbon grease (made for cv joints) then i loctite the lockring when i put it all back together. you can also weld them id sugest this if your running it as a front freewheel.


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not realy. other than feeling nice it doesnt make all that much diffrence i mean some freewheels have a mushy feel to them but i wouldnt have thought that would be holding your gaps back to much at this stage i mean if its skipping its deffinatly time to get a new one for saftys sake. hat have you got now a dicta?


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not realy. other than feeling nice it doesnt make all that much diffrence i mean some freewheels have a mushy feel to them but i wouldnt have thought that would be holding your gaps back to much at this stage i mean if its skipping its deffinatly time to get a new one for saftys sake. hat have you got now a dicta?


i have an acs claws

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how much money do you have because for 50 Quid you can buy the try all 108.9 freewheel at the end of this month. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=2035. sounds really good, im gonna get one anyway hope ive helped

mission man

The try-al one looks good. i run a acs claws on the rear and it only skipped 3 times and i had it 2.5 months. there reasonably priced and not as bad as the 4 quid baby bike ones. lol... hope i've helped

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(Y) deffonatly Tensile (Y)

i have ridden both,

really why dose everyone think that the more money you pay is equal to quality, has every one forgot that Tensile make the best cranks don't you agree? for a start the Tensile is totally trials specific.

it sounds better and is a lot less hassle, with an eno you have to de-grease them every month thats

12times a year. choose Tensile also there is a 2year crash replacement worenty with Tensile not eno,,!

bye the way a BIG DO NOT USE ACS!

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Guys, the dude specifically said he didn't have alot of money, and most people are suggesting the most expensive?

In theorey, the more engagements you have, the better power delivery(so possibly better gaps), if you know to preload your freewheel, it shouldn't make much differance.

I've come to the conclusion that ACS are shit, after riding my try-all for a bit the lack of engagement's really sucks. If I has on a budget to replace my try-all i'd be going for a tensile, they also have a new competition freewheel coming out soon with 96 engagements, that might be worth a look.

The problem's as I see it with ACS is the lack of Engagements and the lockring coming loose, it's not a trials specific freewheel though and is only a tenner.

The Tensile would be grand if there were no issues about it loosening in the same way as an ACS, Maybe OBM can set us straight on the current state of play ragarding this......

The Try-all which I have been using since they came out, won't loosen, ever. I did have problems fitting mine but other's have had no such problems. They are available now direct from Koxx UK or through Trialsman Ebay shop. For some reason tarty wern't able to get hold of them as early as cleanbike's......It doesn't come with the sexy box, or fitting tool, so keep that in mind if you havn't allready got one?

I havn't any experiance with the ENO, but it's not for those on a budget. Superior build quality from what I can see, and very easy to service and maintain.

There is about 11 pages on the Try-all freewheel in the news section of the forum, I recommend reading through that...(Y)

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I run a Try-All freewheel ^_^. I like it, we'll have to see if it lasts more than five minutes. But to be honest if I was buying a new one now, I would get a tensile. They are great value for money and they sound better than sex! Actually thinking about it the engagement clicks on my freewheel are quite quiet... TENSILE!

Edited by Mr_Tensile
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