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Fixed Free Wheel


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a thought just popped up in my mind that may be quite useful to some riders. my idea is to have two fixed free wheels allowing complete control of forward and backwards motion. i would of thought it would help in some circumstances. it's only a silly little idea and not been thought through as i don't know enough and can't be bothered to read loads of different things about technical info other than what i will read on here. does any one have any ideas with problems this may cause and pros and cons of it all.

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a thought just popped up in my mind that may be quite useful to some riders. my idea is to have two fixed free wheels allowing complete control of forward and backwards motion. i would of thought it would help in some circumstances. it's only a silly little idea and not been thought through as i don't know enough and can't be bothered to read loads of different things about technical info other than what i will read on here. does any one have any ideas with problems this may cause and pros and cons of it all.

could be hard since youd need to pedal all the time but if your just doing slow speed maneuvers it could be handy

plenty of control

plenty of bails :P

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ye but being trials riders, we have stupidly small ratios any way and end up pedalling all the time any way mainly to get a way from mindless scum aka chavs. owel if it doesn't work it doesn't work, i just remember riding a bike like that once, put two and two together and had an idea. if any one could explain to me so i have more knowledge of bikes. i justy ride them i let someone else fix them

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engagement :sleeping:

but you wouldn't need any engagements the wheel would do what ever your legs would do with help to ratios. if you had engagements then it wouldn't be fixed and the whole idea would be pointless. the idea was to get more control with out using engagements because you are using two extra limbs to help. like for example if you hopped up a rock with fixed free wheels you wouldn't slip unless it was the surface which was not grippy enough, in a way it would act like a uni cycle there fore using your legs as extra brakes. sorry if i sound patronizing.

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yeah, its called a fixie. I use one to commute. Its what track bikes are. They were around before freewheels. it would suck because you would practically never have your foot position when you want it. I think the only way it would help is to trackstand for some people. and ride backwards.

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thats silly no you would'nt, how do you think unicycles work, its the same principal just with two wheels.

No where near like ridng a uni cycle for trials.

Completely a stupid idea (Y)

I can't also before to say all the cons but i can say the pros. The pros are;....... oh wait there are none.

Edited by Joelio
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A good way too realise why this is such a bad idea would be to try any move on your bike and then imagine not being able to do it any more. I'd bet you couldn't even bunnyhop up a curb cause you'd have to keep peddalling the whole way through. My hub once broke on my bmx and stuck like a fixed. It was quite funny airing cause you had to keep pedalling in the air and this resulted in a 90% floor eating ratio. If you want to ride fixed get a track bike (they're actually quite a laugh although you'll crap yourself when you first pick up a bit of speed)

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