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What Do You Prefer...gears Or Singlespeed?


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first of all im asking stock bikes riders, because most of today trial bikes already comes with singlespeed. what are the advantages of each choice. im planning to buy singlespeed.

ask which to buy is a little silly because offer in my country is too poor, hardly I know which are offered, i think that we have some DMR or Dabomb...

but if you want, say which are good singlespeeds, what SS would you like to buy for yourself....

main thing is that i want to be sure to buy it or not.

im not shifting a lot after all, and bike could loose some weight :)

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I just changed to single speed and prefer it alot

The bike looks better with cleaner lines

If you run a fixed tensioner you wont get any chain slap so the bike is nice and silent

It makes a considerable difference to weight

I feel my back end is more out of the way, I was constantly worrying about my r mech before but the ss kit seems much more solid as its attached to the axle.

As ss kits go hope spacers and a gusset tensioner seem the best

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I like the idea of SS, weight saver / tougher sprockets / clean lines / no chain slap etc.......but it's a royal pain in the arse to ride anywhere IMO.

This is what I did IPB Image one gear for trials 18t, one gear for riding to places 12t.

Best of both worlds and all that, well.... my trials sprocket digs in, no clean lines and a get chain slap, but I save a ton in weight! (Y)

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I like the idea of SS, weight saver / tougher sprockets / clean lines / no chain slap etc.......but it's a royal pain in the arse to ride anywhere IMO.

This is what I did -cut- one gear for trials 18t, one gear for riding to places 12t.

Best of both worlds and all that, well.... my trials sprocket digs in, no clean lines and a get chain slap, but I save a ton in weight! (Y)

its very interesting, but I want to forget on the derailleur.

I will search for SS kit with fixed tensioner.

but!...is there any SS where i can choose the position of sprocket? probably only if the tensioner can be moved for a bit to the left or right.....

Edited by maxxtro
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