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I'm Having A Bit Of A Crisis...

The Duck

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I know the choice you gave was between a moped or a push bike, but why not put the money into getting yourself a proper motorbike with gears?

I don't understand why people will pay money for a moped when bike's can be had for the same, if not less money than a ped, it'll teach you how to use gears properly, if you don't know allready (the only reason I can think of for getting a moped) and you'll get a feel of proper acceleration, as opposed to the shitty auto gearbox that just does what it want's......

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I hope someone goes into the back of you, then I can call you a tool (Y)

correct me if im wrong, but he was saying it due to you contradicting yourself, you said you should anticipate everything, then said you cudnt help the crash cos someone ran into the back of you. hes just saying that by your logic, you should of anticipated this by looking in your mirrors, and moving out the way.

EDIT: sorry apologies, thought you an ricky coleman wer the same in my idiocy

Edited by trials_punk182
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I know this is getting abit tit for tat but this is my first reply, therefore I haven't contradicted myself. :)

I'll leave it at that :sleeping:

P.S get a scooter, if your worried what people will think of you then Id imagine you wont have much of a life. buy second hand though. your regret buying new.

Edited by Scopse
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I hope someone goes into the back of you, then I can call you a tool (Y)

i was not calling him a tool because someone went in to the back off him i was calling him it because he has completely contradicted himself so read it properly next time

Edited by planet-x-man
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i was not calling him a tool because someone went in to the back off him i was calling him it because he has completely contradicted himself so read it properly next time

OK wise guy, Now if you re-read my post, I said anyone that FALLS OFF should have anticipated it, However. What i didn't say was that you should anticipate being crashed into from behind. Theres a slight difference between falling off and being knocked off. But its my fault for leaving that bit slightly unclear, Because foetus's like you would try and be a smart ass, but actually make a complete willy out of yourself. Nice one.

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My god lads, is it really worth arguing over?

Surley the ability to 'anticipate everything' would include a car hitting you from behind?

I mean really, I can't believe you actually said 'you should anticipate everything' it really is a rather silly statement to make, it's common knowledge that no one can anticipate everything, it's an impossibility, and the world would be a boring place if you could.

Anyway, Im suprised no-one else has said that a proper motorbike is the way to go.......

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So what if he's an Advanced riding instructor? He still fell off, and I'm sorry to say, He should have seen the gravel? Or maybe not have gone so fast so he could have stopped in time? but hey, what do i know.

As far as i'm concerned if you fall off, its your fault, you should anticipate everything.

And I know I have benefitted from riding a 'ped for a year, And everyone who i ask says its helped them, for instance you don't need to learn roundabouts, because you already know them, you don't need to learn how to anticipate traffic lights changing, because you already know how they work. The road dosent change dependent on what vehicle your in.

Firstly - how the feck was he supposed to see the gravel? Try going 30mph down the road and count how many pebbles you notice as they wizz by on the tarmac while trying not to crash. Hard isn't it? Secondly - Anticipate everything? Bollocks. In that case you should've been looking over your shoulder every few seconds incase some careless/blind driver decides to twat you up the rear. Thirdly - Yes it does. Obviously. Driving over some gravel on a roundabout in a car will not result in a skid-out where you lose half your skin, whereas the same on a motorbike probably will. Also, think about the prejudice on the roads. People on bikes often act like twats when near cars (overtaking, undertaking, following too closely etc.) which results in car drivers not giving a f**k about bikers and cutting them up. The experiences you have on the road are hugely influenced by what vehicle you're in.

Your comments about Mark's dad falling off were dumb. He's only human and doesn't notice everything. I'm sure he was being a decent motorist and looking to his right before pulling on to the roundabout, not preparing himself for a pebble on the road, terrorist attack, meteor shower, oil spillage, attack from a seagull or anything else that he should be 'anticipating'.

Grow up kid.

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If i was aloud i would get a 50cc with gears rather than a ped.

Are you traveling long distance or short distance? If it is short and you live in a city the save the money for a car, if its long distance then get a 50cc.

Do you really have to spend the money now?Can you not just save for a car since you can start driving lessons in just over a year. I am sure when you pass you're driving test you will not bother with a motor bike.

Its up to you though.

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So what if he's an Advanced riding instructor? He still fell off, and I'm sorry to say, He should have seen the gravel? Or maybe not have gone so fast so he could have stopped in time? but hey, what do i know.

As far as i'm concerned if you fall off, its your fault, you should anticipate everything.

And I know I have benefitted from riding a 'ped for a year, And everyone who i ask says its helped them, for instance you don't need to learn roundabouts, because you already know them, you don't need to learn how to anticipate traffic lights changing, because you already know how they work. The road dosent change dependent on what vehicle your in.

Just found this reply ;)

Right. You expect someone riding along around a roundabout to be able to notice small gravel stones in the road? It wasn't a case of going too fast so he could stop in time - he was cornering around the roundabout, and it made his front tyre wash out, no slowing down would've helped.

Let's look at it this way: My Dad is a qualified advanced driving instructor, and advanced riding instructor. He setup and established the Harley Davidson Rider's Edge training school which is now a successful business. He has taught the advanced drivers of the police advanced driving techniques. You are, judging from your posts and your replies in this thread, either thick as shit or have some kind of problem. Who do you think is going to have the better idea of road safety, riding ability, and so on, him or you? The fact you're still maintaining that people should be able to stop all accidents is a f**king joke. Diesel patches that have been spilt on the roads, black ice, aqua-planing, medical problems such as heart attacks, tyre blow-outs, and so on are all things that cause accidents that are virtually impossible to predict happening. That's not even thinking about things like the other millions of road users who could have any number of problems and could then ram into you. We were in a traffic jam, and a guy in a van wasn't watching and rear-ended us. My Mum saw him coming in her rear view mirror and started turning to the left and accelerating away so we wouldn't get fired straight into the back of the car in front. How the f**k was that our fault? Similarly, one of my relatives aqua-planed on some standing water at less than 15mph into the back of the car in front in a queue of traffic. The police report stated there was nothing she could've done. When you have more experience than ragging around your town a) looking a twat and B) f**king everyone off, maybe you'll understand that you're not the grand master of traffic in the UK? You clearly lack any kind of realistic road experience if you're as ridiculously f**king naive as you appear to be, so come back in 5 years and see how your opinions will change.

About the roundabouts/traffic lights thing - if you've ever been in a car, it's not hard to work out? Seriously, if you had trouble working out what the pretty shiney traffic lights meant I'm guessing I'm pretty f**king accurate with "you are... either thick as shit or have some kind of problem".

I would type out more, but to be honest, I can't really be arsed wasting my time on you any more.

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Just found this reply ;)

Right. You expect someone riding along around a roundabout to be able to notice small gravel stones in the road? It wasn't a case of going too fast so he could stop in time - he was cornering around the roundabout, and it made his front tyre wash out, no slowing down would've helped.

I can't really be arsed wasting my time on you any more.

OK, I think I'll be the adult one here and say this will be my last post on this subject, as your obviously getting quite emotional about the whole thing, And I'd hate to make you think that you might actually be wrong for once?

Also maybe You should have pm'd me the insults instead of wasting forum space,I could quite easily be 'ard like you and say your thick as shit, for not realising that not everyone knows how to anticipate lights changing.

Oh and the reason i quoted the above is just to point out that if your point is correct, then apparently had he have been going slower he couldnt have seen the gravel and avoided it? Or even better just 'negotiated' the gravel and not fall off? Exactly, had he of gone slower he could have avoided it or ridden over it with more care. however much I'd love to react to you childish mocking, I dont have to. You know why?

If you knew that much you might just stop posting.

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He was doing under 20mph apparently when he slid off. He didn't see the gravel as - shocker - gravel's pretty small, and I'd imagine he was checking exits. In that it was right on the inside of the roundabout it would've been f**king hard to see anyway.

Believe me. I am not wrong in saying that people aren't always at faults for accidents. The fact that you're the only one who thinks they are and have several people point out how wrong you are would kinda suggest that too?

Congratulations for completely failing to answer any of my points about accidents not being people's faults though, and ending with a fully non-sensical statement. Believe me, if I wore hats I'd be taking mine off to you.

High brow enough for you? ;)

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