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Why Couldent Trials Be Cheap?


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what everyone else said.and because making things costs money.like to use a cnc cutter costs.and a tig welder and things like that.that costs for the gas.and the paints used to paint the components.and the time it takes for the people/machines to do it.and of course the actual material that you are buying.wether it be aliminium or whatever

max..... B)

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and because making things costs money.like to use a cnc cutter costs.and a tig welder and things like that.that costs for the gas.and the paints used to paint the components.and the time it takes for the people/machines to do it.and of course the actual material that you are buying.wether it be aliminium or whatever

max..... B)

That's bollocks. Everything else has to have the same production processes and material costs, it's just that making 10,000 specialized rockhopper frames makes it a lot cheaper per frame than producing 1000 Zoo pitbulls. (Theoretical figures obviously...)

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I wouldnt say its expensive due to the parts, because a top of the range xc bike will cost £1000+ same as a trials bike, however due to the abuse we give the parts the more times we have to buy new parts making it more expensive for us.

Edited by fredrico
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It may not be expensive to buy the frames etc from china.

But places like tarty and select need to make a living, and as they don't get say a 1000 orders month, and only get say 200. They need to charge more so they can break even and make a profit.

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I dont think the actual design features of the parts themselves actually pushes costs up that much,

its all down to numbers when ordering from places like Pulo. To put it into perspective, I would imagine

that a cheapy full sus frame is much harder for them to make than a trials frame, however a trials frame will cost twice as much as a full bike with the cheapy frame will. This is because 10s of thousands of them are made.

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It's simple economies of scale.

Same principal works for cars... Why does a McLaren SLR windscreen cost £1,500 compared to a Focus windscreen that costs £400? They're both made of melted quartz.

The fact is that Ford will order thousands of screens from Pilkington or whoever, whereas Mercedes are yet to order an SLR windscreen, making the price rocket.

Thats why you can pop into Halfords and buy an appollo today with the same technology as 4 years ago, and pay 1/4 the price than you would have paid for a 'proper' bike 4 years ago.

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Onza is there.

which neatly brings us to my theory ..

we get f**ked in the arse by european distributers

Which explains why onza (tawian/china/whatever to UK) aren't a complete rip but koxx and monty (taiwan/china/whatever to france/spain to UK) are.

deng products aren't particularly expensive - i'm guessing they probably come straight over here from taiwan/china/whatever.

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I think you all missed the point, If I look at the last things I have spent money on - cassette spacers, Surly sprocket and hope skewers - 60 quid or so and none of it will make any difference at all to me or my bike. Ok i will have fewer sprockets on the back and one of them will be fat, but its all fashion more than function.

Me and my legs certainly won't notice the difference.

Hope Skewers, '22 quid, they must be good', but come on realistically its 20+ quid for nothing, i dont need new skewers and if I did and saw a set for a fiver I would think 'they must be c5ap' and no sale, but hey these are 22 quid they must be great and I want them, I even bought them knowing full well I dont need them.

So its either me turning a blind eye to economic parts and throwing huge amounts of cash at stuff I don't need and single handedly proping up an entire industry of over priced nik naks that nobody needs or we are all mugs, bike tarts, gear heads, call it what you will. I may have more money than sense for the moment, but I find it hard to beleive that I could be single handedly proping up an entire industry of needless bike tat.

Does that come in purple,


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Trials isn't really that expensive anyway compared to other disciplines, in fact for a top spec trials bike it would cost significantly less than a top spec bike for any other discipline. Considering nowadays pretty much

every trials specific component is good quality and pretty much top of the range, it is pretty good value.

Trials doesnt need to be expensive if you are sensible in your purchases.

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its not a perticuarly big sport. the components arn't mass produced because of the sports size so the prices are more expensive so the company can make a decent profit. if it was a big sport they would sell more things and wouldn't need a high price on the goods because they are selling more and things will cost less to make because they are being mass produced.

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