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Joemaher - Summer Video

Joe Papasnap Maher

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few clips from when i had czar, then clips on ashton..and more recently clips on the zenith.

Vid has been edited in the joemaher kind of way..(watch previous vids and youll understand)

Vid is just over 5 minutes long, and just under 50meg.

Please leave el commento when your done :) Love you'll xx


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Please leave el commento when your done :) Love you'll xx

I really shouldn't but since as you requested then i will.

You've been so negative about my videos in the past Joe i expected you to release something that even Spielberg would be proud off.

Firstly the video was rendered all wrong, but it doesn't help some of the clips were filmed using a Stills camera, not too nice to watch i must say. some of the clips were left for too long, most of the editing programs nowadays have a trim button. Some clips were dark in places, i found myself putting my screen resolution up to 100% to even see what you was doing. The songs were what you'd find being played in a Gay/drag bar or something a spice boy would suggest to be played in a vid. The clips played in reverse were so tiring to watch as i/audience had an idea of what you did, its like when sarcasm goes on for too long, you know what there saying but they keep on saying it, it just drags.

You say "edited in the Joe maher kind of way". Perhaps its best if you left your ideas to yourself.

Nicely placed in my recycle bin ready for emptying.

If your going to call my vids shit in future atleast makes yours somewhat good.

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.sdrawrof deyalp neht desrever erew spilc ynam oot wef a ekil demees ti tub ,looc saw oediv ehT The video was cool, but it seemed like a few too many clips were reversed then played forwards.

Other than that, it was pretty cool, even though you have the most upright riding style I've ever seen outside of a Giacomo Coust vid :P

EDIT: Oh, and you've improved a whole load (Y)

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That was an enjoyable video, Mr. Maher. Didn't realise you'd gotten that good (Y)

I still need to attempt those rails in cambs :ermm:

Hey Wing, how about this WE?

Nice little vid, but you can cut all the pogos... or relax and stop them :)

I need to post a vid some time... just been out of time for any editing over the last few weeks <_<

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forgot to mention that the end was pap - the song stopped and you carried on in silence ... ? ? ?

either A cut off those clips or B find a song that fits better or edit them all in so it fits the song perfect ....

Oh and the crackling sound was frustrating too ... (and quite easy to avoid)

but i liked it - just forgot to put them in up there ...

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Back from work.

Heres what i say to you all.

Todge, seriously!

Biff, i dont care if u dont like it, i laugh to myself when i watch it. And the reason i would say its over edited...is beacuse i dont think my ridings that great, so i try and divert the attention to other things.

as for the songs...i dont know what gay bars u go biff...but i coubt u would ever hear EITHER of them songs anywhere near there. Just because u could actually make out what they were saying and wherent just shouting at the mic :P anyways biff, glad u took all that time to comment...shows u care about me :wub:

The music stopping at the end,,yer what a shitter, the clips were being somewhat gay and wouldnt sync with the sound...so i was kinda fubard.

rich 87,u taking the piss or did u actually like it :lol:

Backward clips for the win...seemed to be the rage back in the f**king day...now the rage is flashing black screens and shouting music..i cant be doing with that :P

erm yer, keep the comments coming :)

P.S oh and rowan, i do like a good ol rail :P

Edited by JoeMaher
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I liked the video, had a very easy going feel to it (Y)

Definitely could see an improvement towards the end when you ride the zenith.

Just out of interest were those rocks at the start in Hunstanton? As they seem familiar and so do a few of the other spots, and i have been to Hunstanton quite few times on my bike, but i haven't ever been on those rocks as i wasn't sure where they were. :ermm:

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I liked the video, had a very easy going feel to it (Y)

Definitely could see an improvement towards the end when you ride the zenith.

Just out of interest were those rocks at the start in Hunstanton? As they seem familiar and so do a few of the other spots, and i have been to Hunstanton quite few times on my bike, but i haven't ever been on those rocks as i wasn't sure where they were. :ermm:

They are indeed at hunstanton. Dow the far end near the lighthouse(old hunstanton)

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They are indeed at hunstanton. Dow the far end near the lighthouse(old hunstanton)

Thanks for that, next time i'm up there i will go and find them, as it looks like there is some good stuff to ride, and it beats riding the sea defences all day.

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