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Catchy Trials Remarks, Sayings, N So On.....


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All these remarks are used from day to day by trials riders from all over the place! So another question for you lot is, Would anyone be interested in buying t-shirts with these wicked catchy slogans printed to them? because i was wondering whether to get a few printed and sell them cheap on the trials forum, possibly different colour t-shirts, different sayings, different designs. So......let me know what you all think!


See you all soon!

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haha i get it but this topic needs to be purged now cos its just full of people saying wtf :P

at first i thought what do you mean when someone asks for a go on your bike.. haha

someones signature has a quote saying 'pump her like you pump your brakes' or something which was pretty cool

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  Willsey said:

haha i get it but this topic needs to be purged now cos its just full of people saying wtf :P

at first i thought what do you mean when someone asks for a go on your bike.. haha

someones signature has a quote saying 'pump her like you pump your brakes' or something which was pretty cool

Nice! That is funny! I like the pump it one!

What you all think to these sayings being printed to t-shirts then?

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when someone lands a line really heavy or scetchy theres always a 'SMMOOOOTH line, i tend to say 'scetchy counts, it adds interest.'

and mat holdsworth cracked me up one time at a demo, 'I fall at times like this to put the escence of danger in it for the audience as everyone else is looking smooth and safe' hahahah :P i loved it

and also 'if in doubt, ride at it flat out' usually for wallrides and hooking attempts, or scetchy rock sections


Edited by mtbjosh
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  mtbjosh said:

when someone lands a line really heavy or scetchy theres always a 'SMMOOOOTH line, i tend to say 'scetchy counts, it adds interest.'

and mat holdsworth cracked me up one time at a demo, 'I fall at times like this to put the escence of danger in it for the audience as everyone else is looking smooth and safe' hahahah :P i loved it

and also 'if in doubt, ride at it flat out' usually for wallrides and hooking attempts, or scetchy rock sections


Fair play, like your style!

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  bbt said:

For the 20" riders.

"no its not a bmx"

"Yes i know my back tyre is bigger than the front!"

I like these ones, because I myself ride mod!

Hey!!!! What you all think if a company was started up, and sold t-shirts and other bits of clothing with all your favorite sayings on, (not just trials) Would any of you be intrested?

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'it must have been lost in the post!'


(granny)"where is your seat?"

(me)'huh, its just there look'



(granny)"thats the frame"

(me)'no it is'nt, it's your koffin!' hahahahaha

(granny) (ringing 999)

etc etc



(granny)"where is your saddle??"

(me)'ummmm i kind of lost my bike lock key so i had to remove the saddle so i could get the bike unlocked, ill have to go back there later with some bolt croppers to break the lock!

(granny)"oh, how did you lock it to the saddle?"

(me)'i locked it around the seat post! (trying to keep a straight face)

(granny)"ow.........why don't you just pull the seat out of the lock??"

(me)'because i have'nt got the key.'

(granny)"it should just slide out if it's around the post."

(me)'i don't understand'

(when she tries explaining, just ride off).......you should see their face




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  ben beckett said:

'it must have been lost in the post!'


(granny)"where is your seat?"

(me)'huh, its just there look'



(granny)"thats the frame"

(me)'no it is'nt, it's your koffin!' hahahahaha

(granny) (ringing 999)

etc etc



(granny)"where is your saddle??"

(me)'ummmm i kind of lost my bike lock key so i had to remove the saddle so i could get the bike unlocked, ill have to go back there later with some bolt croppers to break the lock!

(granny)"oh, how did you lock it to the saddle?"

(me)'i locked it around the seat post! (trying to keep a straight face)

(granny)"ow.........why don't you just pull the seat out of the lock??"

(me)'because i have'nt got the key.'

(granny)"it should just slide out if it's around the post."

(me)'i don't understand'

(when she tries explaining, just ride off).......you should see their face




haha! has that really happened to you?

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