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Woooo Trojan Time


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Righty run spybot, adaware, nod32 scan, trojan hunter... and non can find this bugger to clean it up.. any ideas ? All that happens is first screen comes up i click terminate, then i have to close the next 2 screens since thers no option. google search didnt help either doh




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firefox is secure, firefox prevents all that sort of thing happening, you'll never get trojans with firefox

haaaaahaaa!! bollocks! ( over 2 years without a trojan, virus or any real spyware on XP with IE 6 :P )

anyway, gloating over...

because you're using firefox I'm a bit stuck but...

I suggest turning off the BHO type extensions (eg google toolbar) in IE there's a setting in internet options/advanced called 'enable 3rd party browser extensions' turn that off, restart and see if the problem occurs again.

If the problem doesn't happen again then it's basically just an evil version of the google toolbar so using BHOdemon will probably sort it out for you.

if that doesn't work I'm not really sure what to say - if none of the big have/spyware removal tools will get rid of it then they need a slapping or you need to make sure you've been updating your safety software

Hijackthis is usually a good start if nothing else works - you usually need to go to a security foru, to get the results analysed though

You could try looking at autoruns (from sysinternals) - it'll give you a full list of programs that run at startup - you may spot something suspicious in there.

The same people do a process viewer that shows everything tha's running on your machine- you can filter out the microsoft stuff so if there's anything suspicious in there you might be able to google for it and get some results.

edit: or just do what he said :)

Edited by poopipe
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Vcleaner didnt find anything. The b*****d is now brining up a 4th window its got in to iexplorer now. Woo... im running spy sweeper at the moment. Nod managed to capture one file and allowed me to delete but it seems to have had zero effect. Even as i type this another window just came up lol.. god save me i could always format but its actually quite fun trying to find this f**ker. I want to prove a point and not stoop to a format just yet

so far spy sweeper has found trojan agent winlogonhook.. did a bit of a google and it seems its a f**king hard one to get rid of :(

Edited by Spacemunkee
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Well it appears a virus software which didnt even reach the top 10 rankings this year has done the job :blink: granted it wasnt the free version i downloaded the pro version from a "software forum". But its done the job, reckon im gonna sack nod32 in. Impressed with the fact that it told me i had a problem.. but other than that did f**k all to help me. Gonna go with kaspery now, avast worked but is really resource hungry. ill save it for the special cases.


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