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2007 Zoo Python

zoo python rider

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hey, ive got a 06 cls and it is awsum! so the 07 must be well worht it ... designed by the same guy and the old frame was an absolute success, soo im guessing this one will easily match it ! the frame design loks slightly nicer this time also!

well worth it i think! (Y)


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this is a common problem people asking other what they think of a frame, we cant tell you if you will like how it rides ect just if it is well made ect, which im sure the new zoo will be as the 06 one was. as you get better and ride more bikes you will begin to no what you like in a frame such as wheelbase, bb rise. if you like the geo of it then get it because the strenght ect should all be fine on it.

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andy is correct. Surprisingly. To ask someone else's opinion on how it rides could prove fatal, andy has a gu, I think it feels like shit but he loves it. How something rides is purley down to you. However the other zoo! Pythons that have been kicking around for a good few years seem to be strong, light weight and well made so I doubt they would change it to be shit heavy and weak.

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Personally i have not heard of one person who has had a problem with a zoo bike (I am not saying there is not anybody who has not had problems though) so I would of thought they would have been as good as the last plus they don't exactly rush bringing bikes out since zoo only make pythons and pitbulls, so I'm sure they will be a hit.


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This year's design is quite different from the 04,05 and 06 models so we can't make assumptions on strength & ride by the previous versions.

Then again, when's the last time anyone had anything negative to say about any deng frame apart from the fact they're too silver? (except OBM and pythong chainstays)

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The 07 model looks damn nice, and as far as I can see there seems to have been a fair bit of thought put into the design. The built in booster seems a good idea, and the geometry sound nice.

good luck with it, hope you like it.


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