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Snail Cams


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built my monty back up as some of you may of seen.

and i'm running some monty snail cams.

and to be honest

there wank.

i get my chain perfect and my wheel center, 10 mins later its moved and my chain is so slack that i could probaly pull it off the freewheel.

so is there a solution?


can someone tell me some decent snail cams that actually hold the wheel in place.

to be honest there pissing me off, i was trying hooking this wall and as i pulled my bike away, my wheel locked and my chain went super tight? :S

f**k knows why

maybe i'm doing something wrong

but there seriously suck.

are the fresh ones any good? or the inspired ones?

thanks allot.


Edited by alext
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I use the FP ones, i've never used teethless ones so i don't know what they'll be like. But mine are really good, need to use the molegrips becuase you can't get enough forse behind them with just your fingers, but my wheel aint budging with those things in place.

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What cam's are they alex?

I had old steel one's on my X-hydra which wern't so good, got a set of the black Ti one's, and I havn't had to worry about chain tension literally in months.

Are you using the bolt's that go into the frame that you get with the cams or just random bolts? When I bought the new cams they came with two small bolt's with recessed allen head's, you'll know what I mean if you have them....

The monty specific one's have a smaller diameter where the came would rest, meaning the 'teeth' are held properly, if you wer to just throw in a bolt or whatever, it wouldn't hold properly, that cuold be the problem....

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Sure you were :shifty::shifty::shifty:


really i was


its only small though.

and jake, im not sure about the bolt idea, should i try running them on the inside of my frame?

think im gunan go for the fresh ones they look allot bigger and easer to adujust then mine are.

thanks for all the help :)

Edited by alext
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The problem may not be your cams. Check to see if when the bolt is tight if the axel extends all the way through the cam, if it does it will never clamp the wheel in the frame.


That's only if they are being run on the outside of the frame though isn't it? to be run inside, the axle has to go through so it can rest on the dropout's.....

What cam's are you running alex? If they are faily munched up a new set might be all it takes......

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That's only if they are being run on the outside of the frame though isn't it? to be run inside, the axle has to go through so it can rest on the dropout's.....

What cam's are you running alex? If they are faily munched up a new set might be all it takes......

there monty ones


but they dont seem to have the entended bit on them :S

IPB Image

also whislte im here, are the guesset tank chains any good??

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They havn't got the bit with the wee monty logo?

That's what gives you the leverage to tighten them enough, are you using them with the supplied bolt's that I mentioned earlier and are in the picture?

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They havn't got the bit with the wee monty logo?

That's what gives you the leverage to tighten them enough, are you using them with the supplied bolt's that I mentioned earlier and are in the picture?

im not sure

i bought the frame second hand of a mate and he gave me the snail cams

ah well, ill order some more, unless anyone has any??

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