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afro dude

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It was alrite I suppose it needs a bit more too it. The video was alrite Im guessing you have been riding for a week or so. You may want to get a bash ring and a smaller front chainring on your bike though as it will help you get up walls and other trialsy things (Y)

Keep it up


Edit: yea as mentioned below piczo isnt a very respected site. May want to host it some where else. O and you spelt ghetto wrong :P

Edited by tom132
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most people dont like piczo cus everyone has to do it pro of course (sarcasm btw)

my site is respected by alot of local riders and evan sum peeps in thriftwood when me and a mate went there

funny really cus all these good sites all made on flash only really last a few months and mine an a few mates site called shoreline trials has gone for a long time and its only piczo

so mayb u lot shud respect it as its prob wat most of u used to do when u where younger make smaller things that progressed into better things so please dont jus dis people's sites as soon as the create sumin.

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  rupertsub2003 said:

most people dont like piczo cus everyone has to do it pro of course (sarcasm btw)

funny really cus all these good sites all made on flash only really last a few months and mine an a few mates site called shoreline trials has gone for a long time and its only piczo

so mayb u lot shud respect it as its prob wat most of u used to do when u where younger make smaller things that progressed into better things so please dont jus dis people's sites as soon as the create sumin.

You should have seen what I was going to post, but i decided not too as it was pretty harsh...

What are you on about "all these good sites made on flash only last a few months"?

Give me an example.

I know many successful flash sites that have lasted for a long time...

And fyi I never used piczo, i decided to learn html when I was 12 so I could create a proper site instead

of faffing around with mediocre site builders.

But that is beside the point, the site incorporates no sense of design, has very little content,

and what is on it is practically illegible. Bright green backgrounds are not where it's at...

Admittedly the shoreline site is one of the better piczo sites around, and is reasonably well executed.

It still doesn't match up to a well made coded site though.

my site is respected by alot of local riders and evan sum peeps in thriftwood when me and a mate went there


Edited by adamtrials
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it is very true scripted sites are much better as there is much more skill envolved i just respect people that dont spend to much time on a site when they can be riding ;)

i made it in piczo as it was easy to do i wudnt say quick as i spent sum time on it

it has a little bit of html but nufin pro

i just think we shud give sum people a chance as it dusnt really show who u are on what site u create ;)

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  rupertsub2003 said:
it is very true scripted sites are much better as there is much more skill envolved i just respect people that dont spend to much time on a site when they can be riding ;)

Maybe *shocker* some people like to put the time and effort in to create a site that's worth looking at? Or just enjoy web design in general and therefore are happy to spend time making something they can be proud of?

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  Onzaboymark said:

Maybe *shocker* some people like to put the time and effort in to create a site that's worth looking at? Or just enjoy web design in general and therefore are happy to spend time making something they can be proud of?

Agree completely. If you cant be bothered to make a decent website, you obvously dont enjoy it so why do it? Just leave it to people who want to create a good site that people will enjoy going on, and a good site will maybe help create a more positive image of trials for anyone lookin into the sport as a possible intrest.


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  Onzaboymark said:

I don't mean you shouldn't make one at all 'cos everyone's got to start somewhere, but shit-talking web designers 'cos they design websites seems pretty f**king stupid.

Ahhhh but Mark (im hope its alrite if I call you that :P dunno what else I will call you) I didnt say they should make them. I said that if you dont enjoy making it, and generaly cant be bothered to make it good then dont bother :-

Edited by tom132
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  GeeTee said:

use html, not piczo - that suck.

html is waaaay better

yes but n00bs cant code html can they now.. and with piczo its the easy way to get one up for most people.. and piczo give them free hosting and their domains..

Music: Fandangle - At least I Tried

Well the song says it all, but sorry mate my nan does better 'trials' on her zimaframe!

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sorry but crap sites aren't worth having. fair enough if your having a go and all but step back and take a look at your effort, you maybe proud of it but in this world your going to have to try harder. true not many people have the professional skills ready at hand but you do have the internet to help you and the guys on tf as well. i got showed this website today( http://www.26twenty.com/videomainframe.html ) and thought it was the best i've ever seen to be honest, given it was probably made by a professional but it hits all the spots, try to aspire to create this. why bother with an argument before as well, whats the point you tell us not to argue and there you are arguing. owel.

have fun

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wo wo wo now we dont need to get into all this! he is not saying 'look at my amazing website i sliced and html coded myself!'... he is just showing us some footage, which wasnt all that.. but hey no need to really slate him and that webbie there, is well made but the riders themselves probably made it.. it looks to me just a case of CAD or maybe photoshop for the background drawing, and anything for the role-over buttons..

I do web design myself, and would say that 26swenty is a smart smooth looking site, but in all honesty, there isnt that much on there :(..

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  Willsey said:

wo wo wo now we dont need to get into all this! he is not saying 'look at my amazing website i sliced and html coded myself!'... he is just showing us some footage, which wasnt all that.. but hey no need to really slate him and that webbie there, is well made but the riders themselves probably made it.. it looks to me just a case of CAD or maybe photoshop for the background drawing, and anything for the role-over buttons..

I do web design myself, and would say that 26swenty is a smart smooth looking site, but in all honesty, there isnt that much on there :(..

but thats why it is good, don't need to scroll and it gives you all the info you expect from something like that. simple but yet quite artistic.

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