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Help With Street Biking

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hi guys, right i just made a wall ride out wood

but i would like some tips about how to wall ride

IPB Image

and i can kinda do it

IPB Image

but when i put it higher


but after i kept trying it kinda, started to go ok


but can u tell me some tricks i can do on the street

Edited by crazyman with a death wish
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try to carve smoothly, aim to get your front wheel near the top about 2/3's of the way along, your back wheel will follow, when your front wheel reaches the highest point pull off,

Also try fufano's on curbs thwen move them on to stuff like sub boxes, watch bmx stuff

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make the wall ride bigger and longer, then get more speed and put more agresion into it.don't bother with a kicker on to it just bunny hop and tilt a little not much the momentum of you moving will help you. try putting the pallets up against a wall instead then you will have the confidence that it won't fall and you can hit it with more speed.

just try little silly tricks, i've sought of only just got into street but just be silly and get a few tricks done on flat land then bring it out to play on the ramps and tramps. get your 180s sorted as well then you will have something to do what ever the obstacle. also see how high you can hop and try some manuals as well, get them nice and it'll feel awesome.

have fun

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I recently taught myself to wall ride (about 2months ago) after we we riding next to some derelict house and found some sheets of fencing so rested them against the house. I was doing it near vertical, but it was on my GU when you get to a certain angle you slip of the sidewalls of the tyre as they are creepy crawlers. But recently i took my bmx there and found it so much easier and lots more fun.

Anyway here is how i learnt.

Firstly like you have done you want to start with a fairly small slope, so you can get the feel for carving up the wall then coming back down again, but i would suggest it might be worth adding another pallet on to the end of it to make it 3 pallets long, as you bike is quite long and in order to get a good feel for it, i found doing a longer wall ride helps.

Try using a slight kicker as well, as it tends to help because when you get slighty airborn before you hit the wall/slope, it makes it a lot easy and gives you more time to tilt the bike to the right angle before you land on the slope. You might find it doesn't help straight away, but when you start doing it at steeper angles you should find it does.

I noticed you have tilted the two pallets inwards to each other, but you should find it easier if you have them running all in a line. This is because if you have them tilted, when you hit the second pallet it tends to flick you back off the slope/wall, but for learning you want to be able to wall ride properly before you start tilting them inwards.

When you are airborn and about to land on the slope try and bend your knees and push the bike into the wall/slope, to keep it firmly put on the wall when you land, instead of bouncing back off it again.

Once you ar on the wall/slope, i find it a lot easier if you ride it a slight curve so at mid point you are at you highest, and towards the end of the wall you are coming down.

I was trying to upload a quick image of how to carve but imageshack is taking years to upload it, but if it does i will edit (Y)

Edited by huck_it
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