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24seven Holroyd


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Alright Chaps,

Basically the same as the title, I was wondering if anyone has the new 24Seven bike (Pitbull replica - i didn't say that). And I was wondering there views on it.

If you do have it what was the first thing you changed?

The bike intrigues me.

Honest answers now..


Jon :turned:

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hi mate

i wanted one of these frames a while back but the dont sell them frame only. its a very good bike from the spec of it and well worth the money if you have it. i didnt thats why i wanted frame only :D

since then though ive fell in lone with the czar ivan :wub:

are you thinking of getting one of them then?

hope i helped you


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Looks nice....

Craigs been on Danny Holroids and he said it was really nice to ride. Nice and flicky.

Thats all I know really :mellow:

Yeh and im not 2 sure if you can buy the frame seperate?

Go on the site and look up the distributors and see if they do (Y)

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Darren (guy I ride with) has one, and it's a lovely bike.

Changed the gearing by a tooth or so I think, and had a few problems with the rear wheel, although that was down to knocks rather than parts problems, so he now runs a Try-All on Profile (also just died :P)

De-stickered it soon as he got it, then changed to a Magura Julie up front, which he absolutely loves!

Few issues with the rear Maggie, but that's not to do with the bike as a whole, just something weird with his bleeds I believe :-

All in all he completely loves the bike I think, and I know he'd recommend it, but as said before, it's complete only so if you are after just the frame you may have some problems

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There you go a 'real' picture, seems like a good bike for the money. i like the horizontal drop outs, i don't know whether if it is the same geo as the pitbull.. but does it matter if it was?


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There shit!!

The gearing is way out

The bars are no good to you or beast

The rear hub blows up rapidly

Need i say more

It need a new hub thius being a profile mini or a mod hub with freewheel on there as it's 116mm spacing

Change the bars, the stems okay but the bars aint.

Grind the rim, Plaz, water bleed working

I've road one, it's harder than driving a Larder (old Russian tank ops sorry comen car, they weight over 2 metric ton!)

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Hey Guys,

Cheers for the imput from both sides. (Y)

I do quite like the bike, it's the sort of thing I am after. A few reasons:

I always run single speed as I can't stand rear mechs clatering about. + I thoroughly dislike hitting the mech on a side hop.

As it's a single speed there is then no need for the wider hub. (It doesn't have to house a 9speed cassette or anything stupid and un-trialsly). However, I do hope that the standard hub is strong enough as I don't know how available narrow hubs may be... (should be OK mind, I'm only light)! :P

I don't like chain tensioners much either, so I'm hoping Danny's got it right with it being a horizontal drop out.

I've currently got an Orange Zero and I find it really short and thus feels heavy to pedal hop / lunge etc So I quite like the idea of a longer frame.

With regards to the stem and bars, I'm afraid they'll probably be changed pretty quick!! - unless they surprise me. I am a huge fan of Azonic Double walls with a mid-sized stem.

I hav ordered the Holroyd after doing a fair bit of research. I know the bike doesn't tick everyones wish list boxes. Although, it's the sort of geometry I was looking for in a bike with a nice spread of decent components.

I'll give it a good ride and then post some honest opinions over what I think of it.

Cheers everyone.


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My holroyd, changed a lot, gearing was a bit stiff so i got a 16 tooth super pro crank. its short in length and im quite tall so i got the biggest stem i could find surprisingly better. Only changed the wheels cos im stupid and like spending money, profile hub etc. p.s the grips are pretty cool, or were until i wore them down due to excessive use.

down sides: the crank arms run really close to the magura, keep getting my trainer caught in between, peddles are dangourous shredded up the back of my legs.


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