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I Pod Trouble

Ali C

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yo, when I was in Singapore I got myself an i pod nano for cheap.

I got home and plugged it into my computer, it seemed I needed the lastest i tunes for it to work, so I have installed that. The problem is that I cant get any responce from my computer or nano when its pluged in :( I have also just seen a sticker on the cd it came with saying "install software before connecting i pod" .......please dont tell me I have f**ked it before even using it!!!

any help would be great.

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Did you install the iTunes updater software? I had a simillar problem with a mate's ipod when she couldnt get it to work, I got the latest updater software and it was able to flash the firmware on the ipod itself, and then it worked fine with the latest iTunes. Im guessing that its the new version of iTunes that has the issues, so try the updater 1st and see how you go.

If that dont work then..... :(


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Just go on apple's site and go on the service part, you can apply for a replacement there.

They come and collect it after a day or two, then you have yor replacement in about 3 days from then.

I have had a few replacments, its realy good service.

I'll try and find a link for you later.(Y)

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Also check which wire you are using, meaning are you using firewire or usb 2.0.

All the new iPod's are using usb 2.0 vs. the older iPod's that were using firewire.

All I am saying is to check that you got or are using the right wire.


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Just go on apple's site and go on the service part, you can apply for a replacement there.

Pfft, you don't need to do that at all!

Basically if you plugged it in before you installed iTunes, Windows will have recognised it as something random, and all the drivers will be wrong. Now, even though you've installed iTunes, Windows still recognises the iPod as the same random thing, and it doesn't work properly.

I'm sure there's a quick fix for this, but I've never had to do it myself, so I don't know. Try looking in Device manager (control panel --> system --> hardware) and see if there's anything in there with an exclamation mark by it. If there is, remove it, restart, reinstall iTunes and try again.

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