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Orange Msisle To Trials Bike?


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i have recently started to try trials riding. despite still being a beginner i was wondering whether it would be worth upgrading my bike. an orange msisle with deore crankset with 22-32-bashring, deore shifters and 9 speed rear mech, HS33's, D521's on LX hubs, manitou SXLT's (100mm travel), orange stock DH bars and stem.

i was thinking the best thing to get would be rigid forks but i'm not sure which, i like the echo urban forks but i am concerned whether it will make the geometry crappier? also what else should i upgrade first without breaking the bank?


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rigid forks would definately be a good idea, for that frame it would be a good idea to get some long ones to compensate for suspension geo, will feel nicer than proper trials forks.

brakes youve got sorted, wheels seem good enough. Loose the 32t ring for a smaller bash gaurd if you like too, then theres not much left without uprgrading major things, so leave it at that until things break/limit you.

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If i were you i'd sell the msisle frame, they are beautiful but sadly not great trials frames.

They sell for quite a bit so you should be able to get a good secondhand trials frame for the money.

Perhaps ditch the 32th ring and get some rigids and you should be fine (Y)

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I'd change the frame if I were you, you can get a pretty penny for a msille you' know?

Have you ever thought of keeping the suspended fork? Since you already used to riding a suspension fork, you can probably use it to your advantage at least more than the average trials rider. But then again, that depends on what kind of style you would like to ride later on, I suggest you watch a couple of videos to give you a better idea. But from your current setup, I'm guessing you ride street/park/dirt jump. So since you already have skills with that, it would be cool for you to integrate it in your riding though I don't know your intentions. If you could give us a general idea of what type of riding you would like to get to, it could help allot in some choices... comps, natural, street... ?

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Watch a couple of Ryan Leeches vids (if you already haven't) then you might be persuaded to keep the forks!!!

Then watch a coulpe of Benito Rosss vids then you might want to get a mod.

Then watch a couple of Akriggs vids and you might want to keep the seat.

Anyway my point is, why think you have to change all your parts to have a "trials bike"??

Just ride what you have just now hard and then as was stated earlier just replace things as they break for maybe something a little more trialsy if thats becoming your bag, baby. ;)

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