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Fitting A Monty Stem To Smart Guys (with Internally Thereaded Sterer T

The Duck

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Hi Guyths!

I'm looking to buy a monty 221 stem (the one with the 'sloping stemcap').

First things first, are they actually any good? Or do people use them because their so cheap?

I have Smart Guys ( (N) ) with the internally threaded stirrer tube. Which means I have to use the flat stemcap provided, cos the stirrer isn't wide enough to smack a star nut in to use a normal stemcap (believe me i've tried). So is there any way i could run a Monty 221 stem with my forks?

Cheers (Y)

P.S Just noticed I ran out of space on the topic title, Finished off here - ube)

Edited by Mr_Tensile
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yea you could if you created a spacer flat on one side and slopped on the other, so the slope of the stem and of the spacer fit together perfect and leave the top of the spacer flat solving your problem. im not sure where you could get the tube to make a spacer but im sure someone can help you with that.

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(Y) Yeah i'll get the stem before i make it, I've got some spair spacers anyway. Cant use a belt sander at school though - their band now. Health and safty bloke came round in our lesson... Cheekeh slag. I'll probably use a hack-saw, do it rouchly right, then sand it down my hand :)

Cheers Guyths! (Y)

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