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Video Sceen/music Request

Wright Pads

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Okay i need the sound clip (not your personal sound) or a vido clip of something like

''Umm yeah babby aghh you like that''

I know i know very random and you see what side of things it comes from.....PORN!!!!!! Bascily as a lass is getting totaly nailed. Can be female or male saying it...sound is all i need, or even if they come up to the camera and say it! Then that clip section can be used!

It's only the sound i need but in your stash of porn you must have a clip with something like that you can send me which i can rip apart for the sound clip.

It's for an up and coming uber important vid and will be used in part of the intro heheheh!

I know it's random and odd but you'll understand once it be done and love it too!

Oh and i did warn you.

You can get me on msn or e-mail with the clips



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Okay i need the sound clip (not your personal sound) or a vido clip of something like

''Umm yeah babby aghh you like that''

I know i know very random and you see what side of things it comes from.....PORN!!!!!! Bascily as a lass is getting totaly nailed. Can be female or male saying it...sound is all i need, or even if they come up to the camera and say it! Then that clip section can be used!

It's only the sound i need but in your stash of porn you must have a clip with something like that you can send me which i can rip apart for the sound clip.

It's for an up and coming uber important vid and will be used in part of the intro heheheh!

I know it's random and odd but you'll understand once it be done and love it too!

Oh and i did warn you.

You can get me on msn or e-mail with the clips




Very random......


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I know just the movie that has a sound like that, ill try and find it later...

Wicked cheers dude.

The idea is a big flashing sceen of this new thing with some way go hard to get hold of live music only job then that sound clip or vid sceen ''yeah you like that bitch'' aka the viewer then goes into the rest of the vid normal

As per norm TF only has one meber that can understand this and aprechate the idea of it!

You do relise you degrad TF and your self when you post you shit in these topics!

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Why should he be banned?

Incidentally he has already been banned at least once, however so have you so meh...

I know just the movie that has a sound like that, ill try and find it later...

It was a joke but......

Anyways I shall apologize.......Sorry :(

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Erm as has been said if you have such film i can do the editing!!!

Ie i don;t have the time nor want to go surfing www.thehun.net for porn clips or such with this sound file or video shoot in there!!

Thinking and knowing that most here have porn on there pc!!!

Just one step ahead of you JT

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Erm as has been said if you have such film i can do the editing!!!

Ie i don;t have the time nor want to go surfing www.thehun.net for porn clips or such with this sound file or video shoot in there!!

Thinking and knowing that most here have porn on there pc!!!

Just one step ahead of you JT

Someone I know has done this in a vid before and I know him and it says exactly what you want at the beggining so Ill talk to him for you and see what I can do :)

No promises it was a while ago now......

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As per norm TF only has one meber that can understand this and aprechate the idea of it!

I understood it, so there that makes two.

Ie i don't have the time nor want to go surfing www.thehun.net for porn clips or such with this sound file or video shoot in there!!

If you don't want to search that site, i'm sure there are plenty others to choose from. :P

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Just one step ahead of you JT

Er ... yeah. How are you one step ahead of me?

Anyway, what porn vid dosn't have what your looking for in it? :huh:

Edited by JT!
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Wicked cheers dude.

The idea is a big flashing sceen of this new thing with some way go hard to get hold of live music only job then that sound clip or vid sceen ''yeah you like that bitch'' aka the viewer then goes into the rest of the vid normal

As per norm TF only has one meber that can understand this and aprechate the idea of it!

You do realise I degrade TF and myself when I post my shit in these topics!

* i also corrected some spelling errors

lol sorry.....

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Hey there, i think you will find what your looking for on Marilyn Mansons album: Smells like Children, look for a song called "F**k Frankie" im sure you can use some of that, its not really a song, just sounds like two people having sex, perfect for what you want ;)

Hey dude cheers for the heads up there, wil lgo check it out when i have some freee time asi just got back form London today!

A mate called me on the drive back saying about a few heavy black metal albums i have that might have the stuff on there, cock & ball torutre being the band..i'll have to have a scan as my musiccollection is huge

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Still awaitng the clip form theos that said they can help

Ive searched and searched but carnt find anything :(

And my friend no longer has the video.....

Only noise soundclip I can think of is the german person i think it is? hes really good on a monty.

And at the beggining of the vid theres a women making sex noises. However I havnt got this video or link to send it you...Sorry

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Can I ask were you drunk when you made this topic?

Having said that I know what you mean but I can't remember it if you get me?

Do an "impression" and see if it triggers any memories

Got one for you ;)

Edited by PaRtZ
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:o I just remembered, i have an msn plus sound of some woman having some fun, add me on msn and ill try send it to you... if you haven't got msn plus get it www.msgplus.net (if you're on msn 7.5 or www.msgpluslive.net if you're on windows live messenger

If you're stupid enough not to look at my card or sig glen.robinson@hotmail.com is my msn address

Edited by 49ccminicrossah
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