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my names Joe and i have been riding for about 3 weeks and i can track stand now i have learnt that i was wundering what is the best thing to move onto next.

this was my brothers account but now he has gone off to uni (N) so he left me his bike :D and said to come onto this forum because it helped him.

thanks (Y)


p.s are there any good sites about that show how to do certain tricks

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Try and spend atleast 3 hours a day on your bike, i try and spend at least 3-4 hours a day on my bike. The more you ride the quicker you will learn stuff, also try and go around with someone that is better then you, because it is always helpful when some one else gives you advice on things. It helps so much. Good luck!!!

Keep at it , it anit going to happen over night. (Y)

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Keep at it , it anit going to happen over night. (Y)

Great bit of advice, i reckon a lot of newbies will get annoyed not being able to do something and give up. I get annoyed when i can't do something but keep at it and it eventually comes. It took me a week of a lot of riding to hop on the backwheel, and i got so annoyed doing that when it didn't work! Stick at it, back hops are worth it aswell.

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My mate done trials for abit and gave up within a month, when i first started i thought to myself "i am never going to be able to do that" but if you are really dertermined and you really want to do it, then stick at it, i no its a pain not being able to do something , you just want to get stright to the top and be the best , but it takes time and over some time it will happen and when it does it feels sooo GREAT. (Y):D

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